Peanut Blessed me with a

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LOL!! Welcome to the Back Porch Heidi!

Actually it was Heidi posting on Dinky Doo's thread (on photos and vidoes) that sent Lindy to search out pictures of the fab Cam, and in posting Lindy has managed to get the powers to be to 'blow' Heidi's Peanut thread over here. LOL!!

May I suggest (with sincere apologies to normal Back Porch posters) that we simply announce all foalings and connections to marestare on here in the future - it would save everyone searching time?

Meanwhile, please may we have some up to date pics of Cam please Heidi (or should you start a new thread on the Photo and Video forum?)
Oh the Back Porch isnt so bad...I dont mind it...i've been in worse places.

no pictures but check out how dark Cam is....he's still on MS....I'll probablly leave him on there until he's 2 LOL

I have someone working on a video of him so hopefully this week!!
video yahhooooooooooo

It is 1.39 am and they are grooming each other
It is so adorable how Peanut loves her baby.
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Yes appologies for getting you booted out
I did notice it happened after i posted
but at least all our favorite threads are being put in one place again saves switching back n fore
..looking forward to seeing your new video
Has anyone heard from Heidi? She hasn't been on for quite a while now and I can't get the cam up either
I noticed the cam is not up too, and was just thinking that we need a few new pictures of 'little' Cam. Hope everything is ok - perhaps Heidi is going through a 'busy time'?
HEIDI!!!!! where are you!!!

I will send her an email.... maybe Diane you could give her a call??

can't even see cam on the cam...
Heidi you could give me a birthday present n show us some pics of your big man!!!
Apart from sending a pm (which she may not pick up) does anyone know how to get hold of her to check if she's ok?
I'm sure you are right Diane (thanks for doing the phone calls). I sent a pm from here in the hope that she might see the 'announcement' among her e-mails - not necessarily expecting a reply, but just hoping to jog her memory to give us a shout when/if she has time.
Here I Am!!! no need to put my face on a milk carton yet!! I so wish i married for money!!

Dianes right, busy season right now and on top of an already, what looks to be a good catering season, we are dealing with the pros and cons of taking over the food service of a local college. And the past 2 weeks some major rain that did a number on one of our commisary roofs ( now i know what poor Renee was dealing with a few months ago!!)New Roof on one of the buildings!!

hopefully things will calm down in the next week.

Cam is doing great, still on camera...he'll be on camera until he's 18!! Loved all the rain we had....jumping and running wildly thru puddles and just getting as dirty as a little boy can get and loving it. We have not mastered the biting yet...his lapse of memory is very apparent when I go in his stall when i get home from work....he's a little terror on hoofs! Im having a difficult time not laughing my butt off when I should be giving him a little "what for".....I know...but he's so funny I cant punish him. I havent had a second to do any pictures and I know I owe some to you all and the people at work have been pestering me soon I hope.

He is in love with SB and follows her every where and she gives him a gentle kick when thinks he needs it.

I am embarrased b/c I am having hay and shavings delivered today and my horses were all a muddy mess...I had to run home before they got here b/c I didnt want anyone to see my horses as dirty as they were.....I just spent 3 hours brushing the little dirty chips but it was sooo much better than being at work! Now my hay guy cant talk about Never Too Mini Dirty Horse Farm.

I have a few minutes to look at some posts and read up on what you all have been up to but hope to be online for a bit tonight and will check in later.Miss you guys so much...hows little Eagle, Renee....need to go read but hope he's doing well.

Diane, believe it or not package went out today....did get your call but was in too late to give you a jingle, thanks for thinking of me.

hugs to all of you....Anna...I just love the picture of you and M....priceless!! AND MISS RENEE....Diane looks nothing like the 2 photos you posted and Im angry that you went and got those pictures out of MY family photo album!!!

We were about to cross you off our Christmas card list

I am so glad that all is well and that you have plenty of work, that is something rare these days
I'm glad everything is just hectic on your end and nothing is wrong!

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