Penny's foaling thread.....SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

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She is! I brush her and brush her but she still is so dang furry!! I have asked her and she just gives me 'that' look of really? Maybe if you bring me more food you will know more!
She is a little piggie! I was reading that you can drap yourself over her back and put your head on her back and your arms around her belly. But only to do it if your mare trusts you. Has anyone tried doing this? And what do the flutters feel like?
I put my hand just in front of the udder when the mare is eating her grain or drinking cos that is usually when the foal wakes up.
DITTO what Renee said. While she's eating just place you hand flat against her tummy in front of her udder.
I cant wait to go and see Penny tomorrow! Maybe I will feel a baby! So I did some thinking earlier and she was put in with the stud 2 weeks before I got her. The day she was put in with the stud he tried to mount her, but he was to excited and missed. And than two days before she was brought to my house the lady seen Penny being mounted. Now, I dont know about you ladies but that doesnt make to much sense! Also I am bringing my big mare Mousie home tomorrow! She was bred x4 the day I brought her over there and on Monday the stud jumped the fence to get in with her and she hasnt let him mount her. And he did get kicked a few times too!
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Ok ladies, I had went over to get my big mare, Mousie from the studs. So I went and got her and you should have seen the reunion!! Penny and Snowball came on a dead run and when I put Mousie back in there they ran and ran and kicked their heels up and jumped up in the air and rolled and it was just awesome! I got some pictures of Penny, sorry the ****ie pic is not too good but it was the best difference I could get! Her edema glads where swollen by her ****ies. And I dont know if it was just me but I think her whohaw looks more relaxed...

Penny 10.jpg

Penny 9.jpg


Ok, here is a whohaw pic from the 30th, and from today. Pic on left is the 30th, one on right is today.


Penny 10.jpg
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Also, if she starts craving pickles and ice cream, you'll know FOR SURE!!!
Lol, we had one mare that gave us fits for MONTHS before we could tell.
So I know that measuring doesn't prove anything, but last Sunday I measured Penny at the smallest part if her belly, it was 43". And the biggest part was 49". Now I measured her today and the smallest part was 51". And the biggest part was 59". That is a huge jump in 6 1/2 days! Thoughts? And I will post a couple videos tomorrow of her bi fat belly
Kissing you back Penny
What a sweet heart
I am still unsure as to her pregnancy and due date, I think it is justy ton early to see.
She is! I just love her, she is a sweetie. She just loves to give kisses! And Snowball loves to be a pick pocket! She is just so confusing! Within the next couple days I am going to fix the big fence so she can go in there and eat eat eat! She looks like a beach ball from the front!
I do! I forgot to get a couple pictures at each angle yesterday but the one that is of her chest is about 5 days old, and is straight on view. You can see each back hoof by each upper part of her front legs. And this is a side vew of her yesterday! Sorry, the pics were taken with my ipod so they suck, but here they are! I should be going over there within the next couple days, if not tonight or tomorrow morning!

Pennys big fat belly.jpg

Penny side.jpg
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Diane I think you need to demonstrate what a horse that has swolled a beachball looks like

Thanks for the pics, she is looking good
Oh yeah! Bring on the beachball with legs pictures!
And to me it seems like she has just about doubled her size from this front pic in the last few days!
Thanks! Right now she has open hay, but she only eats it a little a day because she is too worried about trying to get fresh grass instead this is, lots of water, getting another salt block today (ran out of my other one a couple days ago), fresh grass (not a ton because she eats is way faster than it grows!) and grain every other day. She is finally looking good! She was quite skinny when I got her. And if she was 7 months along when I got her that could explain why she didnt ever look pregnant to the lady who I bought her from! I wish I had a better idea if she was 9 months along!
She sure looks like it! she has been really wanting to go over to the other pasture and eat, but we had a huge storm last june and it downed alot of trees so I have to remove lots of branches and fence off part of it because its swamp. I should be able to do it when I have a full day to do nothing but that! But those days are few and far between!

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