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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Northwest California
I have been thinking of changing from juno to peoplepc as my dial up.

Anyone use it and if so do you like it? Also how does it differ fron juno?

Do you have to use their own mail program or can you use outlook with it?

I have used juno for so long I can't remember anything else! What about pop up?


I used it several years ago before we got cable. I liked it. I never had juno so cant compare it. Kathy
I had it & I hated it. It's the slowest thing on earth. We are stuck with dial up, but it's the pits. Thanks for this opportunity to tell how it is! I hated it.
I use them at home with my dial up......I use the accelerator which makes pages load faster by blocking popups and reducing picture it....set up for autopay and they are cheaper than any of my local providers...they don't fill your computer with a bunch of cr@p like AOL either........I couldn't do anything with AOL and still 7 months later I am finding files in my computer that AOL put there arghhhh
we used peoplepc for the last year, the accelerated version. I liked it very much. Also had no problem cancelling service, unlike my hubbys aol that we have had for 10 yrs. or so, they won't let us cancel! We finally told them we won't pay anymore so just cancel it, now they send me letters saying,,your service is going to be interrupted, blah, blah,

We now have installed wildblue satellite internet. a little costly, but the dial up was killing me! no more dial up for me.

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