Pet Peeves

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Photoshopped ads for sale, in ads on a website, basically, just photoshopped pictures!I do not care how well it is done, a slight tidy up here and there is OK but when the selling line is "lovely long "hooky" neck" and the picture shows a very small giraffe....well, I move on! I would rather see a pasture picture and have to use my imagination, than be very badly disapointed.
I agree 100%! Nothing worse to me than advertising a 'fake' horse made so by digital editing. Some of the necks I've seen pictured aren't even attractive at all. They look deformed. What's the purpose of advertising a horse like that? Horses sure aren't going to look that way in real life. When you see pictures of my horses, rest assured the horses have not been altered in the pictures. What you see is what you get! Horses in pasture condition are for sure going to look different than those in show condition, but any picture you see on my website or in ads is 100% natural. No digitally altered horses here!
Photoshopped ads for sale, in ads on a website, basically, just photoshopped pictures!I do not care how well it is done, a slight tidy up here and there is OK but when the selling line is "lovely long "hooky" neck" and the picture shows a very small giraffe....well, I move on! I would rather see a pasture picture and have to use my imagination, than be very badly disapointed.

Tell me, exactly what is the point?
Agreed ... imagine turning up to inspect the horse for sale, and finding nothing that resembles the photo
... embarrassing for all concerned I would think. The last thing anyone needs is a reputation for misleading information and misrepresentation of their "merchandise".

On a similar note, is the way people describe their animals when they are trying to sell them ... "Stunning" is possibley the most commonly misused term around at present ... Oh yes, it's "stunning" alright ... I was so stunned when I saw it, I was speechless!!
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OMG yes l've been out to see a few stunning and bragged up horses for sale over the years...and for sure have left totally stunned thinking what the heck.
Lunge is correct too, although the original spelling was, in fact, "longe" it was always pronounced "lunge" and it has become accepted as correct.

Lounge was something we called the sitting room!

I also thought of another pet peeve I know is going to hit a few sore spots:

Photoshopped ads for sale, in ads on a website, basically, just photoshopped pictures!

I do not care how well it is done, a slight tidy up here and there is OK but when the selling line is "lovely long "hooky" neck" and the picture shows a very small giraffe....well, I move on! I would rather see a pasture picture and have to use my imagination, than be very badly disapointed.

Tell me, exactly what is the point?

OOOPPPS Mybad! Longe is how I usually spell it ( what I meant)
I laughed my way through this thread because I agree with so many of the posts!!
Having said that, I hope I didn't miss where someone already said this!

One of mine is how people use the word "Grand". It seems like every time a horse wins a first place it is now a "Grand". For the record, at least in AMHR, ASPC, (and PtHA), there is no Sr or Jr GRAND Champion... there is a "Sr Champion" and a "Jr Champion" and they compete for the "Grand Championship"... There is also no grand championship in Color, Owned/Bred/Shown, Yearling, Two Year Old, etc etc. When people apply "Grand" to everything, the real Grand Championship title loses any meaning.

And since I mentioned Owned/Bred/Shown ... I hate the title "Owned, Bred, and Shown by Exhibitor" ... Okay, if you are the Exhibitor, then or course you are Showing the horse! Title should be "Owned/Bred by Exhibitor" or "Bred/Shown by Owner" or "Shown/Owned by Breeder", but "Shown by Exhibitor" is redundant.
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I hate it when people say their horses are homozygous (homoygus) and have not been tested.
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Reign for rein!! It makes me laugh but it is silly, too.

Reign is what the Queen does, rein is what controls the horse.......
I agree with many of the pet peeves on this thread, but one I don't think I've seen is saying a horse is a true black, or true buckskin, or true whatever... Either a horse is black or whatever, or it isn't. Putting the word "true" in front doesn't make it so! It is kind of like that "own son" thing...
I have a know it all friend who absolutely insists on referring to geldings as "gelds." Of course I know nothing, so any correcting goes right over her head.
If she wasn't such a know it all it might not bug me as much...nope. It would still bug me.
Alright, I just wasted a full hour reading this thread (well, maybe it wasn't a waste since I did a lot of chuckling) so now I have 2 of my own to add to the list. First is a tiny little grammar thing... along with most other grammar slips mentioned, I find the miss use of then and than very irksome. My daughter once had a teachers aide assigned to her who would send notes home with sentences like "We had lunch at McDonald's than we walked back to the school. We thought we preferred that rather then driving today." Once I could ignore but it was an every day thing.

My other is registering horses with names that suggest they are related in some way to well bred horses or a particular farm. I have a mare who we call Bucky, she has 'Buckeroo' in her registered name (I bought her as an adult) but as far as I can discover she is NOT related to THE Buckeroo. I have two 3yr old colts (er stallions/studs... whatever lol) one is registered as "... Razzle Dazzle" and I have seen many Razzle Dazzles with different farm names attached. The other is "... Smokin Hot" and again I'm seeing other horses with this name or ones so very close. I don't understand why the registries don't prevent this. Isn't that part of the reason for writing in the alternate choices when we apply for registrations? My first horse was an Arab and when I applied to register him my first names choices were rejected and the reason given was that they suggested he was bred differently than he actually was.

Just my own little annoyances .
I agree with many of the pet peeves on this thread, but one I don't think I've seen is saying a horse is a true black, or true buckskin, or true whatever... Either a horse is black or whatever, or it isn't. Putting the word "true" in front doesn't make it so! It is kind of like that "own son" thing...
on both the "true" and the "own son" :)

I also love "direct son of" ... what does that mean anyway?
Alright, I just wasted a full hour reading this thread (well, maybe it wasn't a waste since I did a lot of chuckling) so now I have 2 of my own to add to the list. First is a tiny little grammar thing... along with most other grammar slips mentioned, I find the miss use of then and than very irksome. My daughter once had a teachers aide assigned to her who would send notes home with sentences like "We had lunch at McDonald's than we walked back to the school. We thought we preferred that rather then driving today." Once I could ignore but it was an every day thing.

My other is registering horses with names that suggest they are related in some way to well bred horses or a particular farm. I have a mare who we call Bucky, she has 'Buckeroo' in her registered name (I bought her as an adult) but as far as I can discover she is NOT related to THE Buckeroo. I have two 3yr old colts (er stallions/studs... whatever lol) one is registered as "... Razzle Dazzle" and I have seen many Razzle Dazzles with different farm names attached. The other is "... Smokin Hot" and again I'm seeing other horses with this name or ones so very close. I don't understand why the registries don't prevent this. Isn't that part of the reason for writing in the alternate choices when we apply for registrations? My first horse was an Arab and when I applied to register him my first names choices were rejected and the reason given was that they suggested he was bred differently than he actually was.

Just my own little annoyances .

Main Entry:mis·use

Pronunciation: \-ˈyüz\

Function: transitive verb

Etymology: Middle English, partly from mis- + usen to use; partly from Middle French mesuser to abuse, from Old French, from mes- + user to use

Date: 14th century


: to use incorrectly : misapply <misused his talents>


: abuse, mistreat <misused his servants>

— mis·us·er noun
Main Entry:mis·use

Pronunciation: \-ˈyüz\

Function: transitive verb

Etymology: Middle English, partly from mis- + usen to use; partly from Middle French mesuser to abuse, from Old French, from mes- + user to use

Date: 14th century


: to use incorrectly : misapply <misused his talents>


: abuse, mistreat <misused his servants>

— mis·us·er noun
If both sire and dam are tested homozygous, you can justly say the foal is homozygous, without testing.

I have a few that are homozygous for Red, though I never advertise them that way.

oops wrong one...sorry.
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If both sire and dam are tested homozygous, you can justly say the foal is homozygous, without testing.

I have a few that are homozygous for Red, though I never advertise them that way.

oh darn wrong one again...
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If both sire and dam are tested homozygous, you can justly say the foal is homozygous, without testing.

I have a few that are homozygous for Red, though I never advertise them that way.

Ok now the right one, meant to say homozygous for Tobiano, yes forgetful me.
I agree with so many of the pet peeves listed here - a great thread!!!!

One that really bothers me is when people advertise "Buckaroo" instead of "Buckeroo". If they can't spell Buckeroo properly - then do they have any clue about the pedigree in the first place???!!!!
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