PETA response to FAO schwartz "pony" sale

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I don't think she is stupid! If my opinion counts for a hill of beans. She saw a concern and she followed through with her concern. PETA is just a (ummm trying to think of nice word) group saying one thing but does another. There was a PETA person on one of those reality shows. TOTAL vegitarian, but she ate alligator on the show. And that is my total perception on the group.

Sigh, and again sarcasm is lost in computer translation. Noticed you took that tidy little quote out of the first line, apparently we need a smiley holding a sarcasm sign. Any who.

I would be delighted to show you pictures of my rescues, I am a past board member of ERAF (Quite due to my mothers difficult health problems and school as well as my own boarding/training barn), Equine Rescue and Adoption Foundation, we are based in South FL. We have a website, it's

If you would like, go to the Adoptions site, Gamble is my Child, as is Black Jack, and 2 or three of the others lived here till they moved to new homes. While we are at it, meet Fandango, he was rescued by a dear friend of mine, and is now happy here at home with me.
(*Please note, this is a student of mine and not me.

Point being, This is Making a Difference! PETA does not, I can tell you from years in the rescue life, they do Not Help! The complain and wail and draw in Lots and Lots of money... Then do a whole bunch of Nothing but complain some more.

If you wanted someone to contact, why not the registeries?? This is a pure bred mini, one would think it would be registered. But more importantly, do your home work before you raise a fuss, be informed, not just a voice.

*Also* I WAS attempting sarcasm and not attacking anyone or calling them stupid. I was simply infering that the way this topic was posted hinted that those of us who were "Doing nothing" were "stupid and un-informed" and didn't care about this poor pony who has been sold to a Very wealthy family.

Whoops forgot to say that Miniature Pony is a better marketing phrase then miniature horse. It sounds cuter, don't you think>? I have plenty of big horse friends who have been doing this (i.e. horses) for Years who still refer to my Mini's as "those ponies of yours". It does not mean they are not qualified to give advice or help out a new owner, it's just a comfy term for them.
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I hope nobody takes this personally but what a dumb thing to do. PETA is against everything any of us do (with the exception of making donations). The animals that go to slaughter houses do not sell for $15,000. If you want an eye opener come up and spend a few days with me and I will show you animals that go for slaughter. Anybody that thinks PETA is going to help should just take a little bite of realism. What were you thinking ???? What did you hope to accomplish ?? Did you think to phone or write FAO Swartz and find out any details ?? They probably do not even intend on selling this animal. Its every kids dream to find a pony on 'Christmas How often does it ever come true ? Please do not think this is a personal attack. Its a rational response to an emotional action that should have been considered further.
And anybody with that kind of funds ordering from that catalog will have means to give that pony (mini) a very good home and very good care for their child.. Sure is better for somebody with the means to care for a pony then some people that get 100 one at some auction house.....
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justaboutgeese said:
I hope nobody takes this personally but what a dumb thing to do.  PETA is against everything any of us do (with the exception of making donations).  The animals that go to slaughter houses do not sell for $15,000.  If you want an eye opener come up and spend a few days with me and I will show you animals that go for slaughter.  Anybody that thinks PETA is going to help should just take a little bite of realism.  What were you thinking ????  What did you hope to accomplish ??  Did you think to phone or write FAO Swartz and find out any details ??  They probably do not even intend on selling this animal.  Its every kids dream to find a pony on 'Christmas  How often does it ever come true ?    Please do not think this is a personal attack.  Its a rational response to an emotional action that should have been considered further.

yes - i called 3 times, once to ask questions, man said he would take my order and sell me a horse immediately with no questions asked and knew NO addition information on the horse. but was egar to make a sale. next time i asked another reprsentive for information she was also willing to make a sale, but could offer no informationa bout the age, size, sex, or farm it was from, also. did not now the care needed to be give to this animal. i asked to speak to the manager in charge. this person told me these horses ( YES PLURAL)were INDEED for sale to anyone and ANYWHERE in the united states, and if i REALLY wanted more information, i would be contacted by a LUXURY personal shopper, or aka to some of you... an EXPERT.... right.... so these people were willing to sell to anyone at anytime.

and i called again today to ask again about the details of purchasing one of these horses, they told me at this time that the item was no long available through the catalog. after i asked if this item had been sold they said no, it was just removed from the catalog and could give me no furhter information. so i wonder how or why all of a sudden it was REMOVED from the all of you it was not just ONE "PONY" sold to a "VERY wealthy family" .

can someone please tell me why I am being called dumb and stupid for trying to help these animals. i got all of the information, which they could give me none of. sorry.....between my other phone calls, i did talk to a manager and begged them to please educate their customers before allowing anyone to just order one of these miniature HORSES, b/c they wanted a xmas pony under their tree.

everyone writes on here about the werid emails about someone wanting to buy a mini on the spot and we all call is scammers. how is this any different, you are ordering a mini "on the spot!" any no one wants to sell to these people.

again my intention was only to help. i cant believe i am being called uninformed and "raising a fuss"
What is the difference in this,, then 100's of auctions held through out the Country and who will Also sell to anybody..hmmmm.
Honey Anyone who wants to pay $15,000 for a pony would Be Wealthy, and I for one, hope they sold a whole kaboodle of these horses to fantastic homes. Don't you think they would cover their bases? Inform people of the care and the inherant dangers of horses?? Of how many people would LOVE to sue them because precious pony stepped on Something Jr's the 18th's foot??

Furthermore how is this person on the phone supposed to know anything?? They of course do not know the specifics, just as if you had asked them what was the main component in one of their electronic devices they would not know. They are paid most likely, a commission on big purchases, and To Them that is all it is. Of Couse they would Love to sell you that pony!! It is later in the sale with your escorted pony expert that your questions would have been anwsered. Tell you what, throw down $15,000.00 get the pony, quize the guy that comes with him, then complain.

I commend you for doing some reserch, but you are spinning it all wrong, really. You are not being called stupid for your concern, or your care. It is the involvement of PETA and their overwhelming stupidity that has dragged you into this conversation, and the mention of the word. Your concern and compassion is a wonderful thing, just channel it away from PETA, somewhere where it can do some good, not bad.

Whoops again, Okay, scammers are a whole new ball game here, as are people who drop in and want to buy my horses. You have lumped together two very distinctly different things here. I have had Lots of my 'kids' go to homes who just pulled up one day and started asking questions because their kids were intrested. Scammers are forgien people who are trying to get Money out of you, and target Anything for sale or trade. (As noted some members had their Houses and such being 'asked about' to buy by some of these ding dongs.) Of course I don't want to sell them my kids, their offers, money, but most important, people are Not Real! Hello.
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I am not going to flame you . It was a nice idea you had . But i do agree with everyone else . PETA was the wrong thing to do! I have night terrors about them
And when they show up at my place they have red eyes and fangs
And they say "we've come for your animals!"
And they start flying around snatching up dogs , horses,cows,ect . Pam A. is one scary bi**h with fangs and glowing red eyes!!
I am not a PETA fan either...they go waaaaaaaay over board. We were exhibiting at a dog show about 3 years back and PETA showed up and was stealing dogs out of their crates..the nerve. Just think if they would of took my dog...he is very attached and not mistreated (as are the majority of show dog), would they have been doing him any good? No.


And I also think the miniature in the F.A.O catalog was great advertisement and with it running 15,000 dollars I highly doubt there will be any irresponsible buyers. I see no harm in this at all only an overreaction.
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Winchester, I do not feel people are attacking you personally. Like was said earlier, it was your choice of methods that everyone is upset against. This group has really hurt a lot of animal owners so I think they are passionate about their disgust with them. I first heard of this group about 8 years ago. I worked in the local animal control and we got a call one day from a local business that was irate about flyers being posted all over the employees vehicles as they have signs everywhere stating that type of thing is not allowed. They thought since the flyers were about protesting and boycotting the circus coming to town that it had something to do with us. They asked us if we had something to do with a group called PETA. Until then I'd never heard of them. A month or so later I was reading a magazine the shelter received and it had all kinds of articles about PETA and their tactics. It told how several woman had gotten naked and layed down on the road to protest the fur trade and another instance where they covered themselves in red paint and stood in a store window wiggling around and running their hands down the windows to look like blood streaks, again to protest the fur industry. I am all for protecting an animal's rights, but to act in such a manner only serves to turn me away from a group like that. I'm sure you weren't aware of their methods or of their underlying motives, but this is a dangerous group. Genuine animal welfare organizations work through education and fundraising not scare tactics. It's commendable of you to try to do the thing you felt was right. But it is a good idea to know the type of snake you're looking at before you pick it up.
js1arab said:
It's commendable of you to try to do the thing you felt was right. But it is a good idea to know the type of snake you're looking at before you pick it up.

Well said!

Okay, I have not followed these threads close at all, but I did look at the link to the ad several days ago.

My immediate thought was that wouldn't most of us sell a mini for $15,000 to a pet home?

They are going to educate the new owners about how to tend to the mini...

We all know I am not a big time into selling my horses kinda gal, but I can tell you that most of mine could hit the road for $15,000 and go be a family pet.

If I were a mini, I'd actually rather be a pet mini than a show mini...
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I didn't read all of the threads, but FAO has pulled the advertisement from the internet due to the overwhelming negative response.
Ummm, and as far as snakes go, PETA is as poisonous as they come!

Caring is commendable, but you are uninformed if you think PETA is actually the place to call to help any animal. Sure, if this pony (and I see nothing wrong with the term "pony", but that's a different debate!)....if this pony were "free" & you called PETA about it, I'm sure they'd be only too happy to go & 'rescue' it--they'd pick it up, put it in their van, and then euthanize it, just so it wouldn't go to someone, anyone, as a pet.

So Winchester, you're not breeding, you only have 1 mare (and any geldings?)--regardless, that one mare is a pet to you? Then by PETA standards YOU are a 'bad guy'. Keeping animals as pets (or anything else) is unacceptable to PETA.

As far as this pony in the catalogue, ah, I don't see how this is any more awful than if it were being sold at an auction, or privately by any one of a thousand breeders who will sell to anyone that comes up with the money. (Yes, I know there are breeders/sellers who do screen their buyers, and they won't sell to just anyone...but there are plenty who don't care who the buyer is, as long as the money is good.)

I think it is kind and thoughtful that you tried to make a difference.

You certainly had good intentions.

Although I agree with what Jill said and must be honest I would do the same for $15,000 to a kind and loving home.

However, I do not think it is suitable or necessary for a respected company such as FAO schwartz to get into the business of selling live animals, they should stick to toys and let horse people sell horses.

I also think it is fascinating that so many people think that because someone spends a lot of money on a horse that they will care for it any better than anyone else. They won't! Most likely it will be a toy that the child will become bored with and then sold on to whomever.

Either way IMO selling an animal to the highest bidder with no other concern for the animal shows lack of care and consideration for the animal, whether it be in a cataolg, auction, over the internet or right from your farm.

IMO we owe more to our animals than that.

PS, I would definately rather be a pet mini than a show mini!!!!! Much more fun!!!!!
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Don't you just love it when someone who owns one mini considers themselves a "farm" and thinks they are qualified to set the world straight? Intentions MAY have been good, but the result was the equivalant of a house being on fire and since "something" must be done, I'll throw gas on it.

PETA is a "domestic terrorist" group pure and simple. Make sure you have completed your research before you go sticking your nose in someone else's business.

There are plenty of horse auctions that are reputable and honest.

I have bought and sold horses privately and at auction. I personally don't see the big deal with the FAO ad. It's putting something up for sale, just like thousands of other people do who place ads in papers, on the internet, or up on the bulletin board at work.

Yes I breed and sell, If something walked up with $15,000, or even $14,999, they probably could buy just about any horse on the place.
My Goodness!

Not that my opinion means anything, but I feel I have to add a few things.

First, I believe Winchester Farms was trying to do a good thing here. Personally I felt that selling a mini out of that catalog is bad, but did I try to do anything about it? No, I didn't, so shame on me.

She was trying to defend a mini against probably some rich spoiled person buying a mini, that doen't know a thing about taking care of them.

I do feel strongly that PETA is a dangerous group, but probably Winchester Farms did not know that. I do believ that PETA is a poisonous snake that may look harmless and perhaps helpful to those who do not know them.

PETA does not want any human owning any form of animal, and it doesn't matter to them how well you care for it, nothing is good enough. Lots of people do not know how dangerous they really are. They are wolves in sheeps clothing.

I think most of you came down way too hard on Winchester Farms , when she was simply trying to do a good thing.

Don't you think simply advising her to be careful when dealing with PETA would have been enough?

Last summer I had an unexpected visit form a family from church. I didn't know till afterwards that one was a PETA memeber. I practically had a nervous breakdown after I found out. Thankfully, I had just cleaned and everything looked great, but nothing is ever good enough for PETA. Thank God nothing ever came of it.

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