Well-Known Member
This thread gets quite heated. I hear there is a petition to stop this idea on page 8 on this thread.
What do you think?
What do you think?
ForMyACDs said:The funny thing is, Ebay allows pet auctions in OTHER countries. I no longer have the link but there was a very large number of dogs on Ebay auction in Japan......apparently the people there don't see an issue with it.
Personally, I think it's not an acceptable way to sell the "puppy mills" need a wider audience. Sigh.
kaykay said:i think you guys are not reading this right. it says this will not be "transactional" meaning you cannot bid on the puppies. All you are doing is putting up a listing. I find this no different then which i list puppies on. Its basically paying for an ad to advertise your puppies or kittens. Am i a bad person because i listed puppies on I don't think i am!! I run a listing on and the people contact me. I get to know them and they get to know me and if we agree the puppy is sold. I have turned down many buyers but i have also sold to some fabulous owners. I'm pretty sure this is the same thing ebay is talking about here. Also they will list animals for free for rescues which is the same way puppyfind works.
Just my opinion!
I agree and I wouldn't ever shop for a pup through online classifieds......nor would I recomend anyone else buy that way. I do suggest using petfinder to locate rescue org.'s and shelters BUT still you need to do research and get references as even petfinder is being invaded by unscrupulous people out to make a buckcapall beag said:I have concluded that all I can do is do right by animals and encourage those I meet and know to do likewise.I simply would not support this but know that if there is $$$ to be made it will probably be up and running in no time.
My animals are dear companions to me and valued deeply but there is a huge "Market" for animals and a constant demand for a 'type' of pet. So long as people provide the demand for an animal in any way they can get it these ideas of supply will continue.
I won't go into much detail because it is a touchy subject but thousands of puppies are shipped from my country of origin to the US everyday and people here will pay ridiculous amounts of money for them because it is a unique pet, a pup from a foreign country! I know for a fact these pups are from 'puppy farms' and the farms will continue to pump out pups at an alarming rate so long as the consumer demands them! The people who buy these pups clearly have no interest or concern for where they 'really' come from. There is a big and constant demand for these pups because they have a uniqueness to them. The people who are selling the pups are con men and women but the buyers are equally at fault IMO.
Demand is what forces the supply to grow.
I would never support Ebay doing such a thing or buy a pup in this way but it is no different to the pup or kitten. I think the real fault falls with the buyer because if no one bought from a pup from a pet store or from ebay they would quickly stop doing it. For the seller it all comes down to demand and $$$$.
Unfortunately, I am sure it will do well if it does happen.
I agree and I wouldn't ever shop for a pup through online classifieds......nor would I recommend anyone else buy that way. I do suggest using petfinder to locate rescue org.'s and shelters BUT still you need to do research and get references as even petfinder is being invaded by unscrupulous people out to make a buck
you know I hear this all the time......yet I have had ZERO problems ever when dealing with rescues and fact I have been offered lgd's on 3 occasions now but due to my current dog population I am not in the market for one.....of course when I finally am there won't be any I am sure.....lgd's live out and so long as you have proper perimeter fencing and a barn or other such dry area I have never had a reputable person tell me otherwise (that is just silly people who know what they are doing wouldn't require an lgd be kept insidshminifancier said:Nope not me I have and will use the classefieds..There is Way to many restrictions for the animal shelters/Rescues~! Way to many ..One is a dog must be kept inside...A big hairy Great Pry, Or St. is much better outside in the winter, then in a warm house where they are then get to warm. And nice cozy dog house shelter is better for them. So this lets out many many people from buying from Shelters/rescues, and Way too much restrictions from the rescues also.The shelter say OH we are sooo over crowded but then put such unreasonable restrictions on their animals they can have them and then euthanize them IMO. If they Really wanted to get the animals to homes they would relax those dumb restrictions that are nothing but PETA in the first place..
I agree and I wouldn't ever shop for a pup through online classifieds......nor would I recommend anyone else buy that way. I do suggest using petfinder to locate rescue org.'s and shelters BUT still you need to do research and get references as even petfinder is being invaded by unscrupulous people out to make a buck