Photo of "Lady"

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
The last dog we tried didn't work out; she'd have good days, but for the most part she was just totally annoying--could never learn to leave the cats alone, always wanted to pick at our old dog Sheba, was just a little too keen on trying to make the youngest Mini colt run--wouldn't listen, especially not to my mom. The longer she was here, the more determined she was to take off & frankly, a dog that has to be kept penned up, even when we're outside, is completely worthless to us. I never thought she'd be so hard to rehome, but she was a medium sized dog & depending on who looked at her, they figured she was either too big or too small. Apparently people want big dogs, or else they want little house dogs. However, I did finally find someone that wanted her, and they took her to her new home just a couple days ago.

Meanwhile, a vet clinic in a town north of here had advertised a male scotch collie to give away. Since that was just what we were wanting (Sheba is part collie) I called on him, but he was already given away. Then Thursday of this past week someone advertised on Freecycle that they had a collie/GS to give away. I went to look at her yesterday, and was quite impressed with her. She's 4 years old, spayed, being given away because she's too big for her town home. Lack of exercise has made her, um, well, kind of fat.
The woman had her for 2 years--when she went to look at Lady she was expecting the Sheltie puppy that had been advertised. This dog is much bigger than she expected a Sheltie to be, but she took her anyway because the guy was being so awfully mean to the dog. Anyhow, I quite liked Lady, so I brought her home yesterday after work.

She is a lovely dog--perfectly housebroken, very attached to people--there is no inclination at all to roam, she just follows at our heels every where. She is used to cats, and has already learned about horses. She does figure she is a house dog and wants to have free run of the house. But, she's already learning that here she must stay in the porch when she is inside. She's very used to being hand-fed treats and probably scraps--which no doubt explains why she is so obese. Outside she's actually very active, so I think on a good diet & with the exercise she will get here around the barnyard, she should soon lose some weight.

I don't believe she is a collie cross at all--she is a Sheltie, an oversize one certainly, as she is 19 or 20 inches tall. Once she loses some weight, though, she will probably measure a bit less than that, maybe 18-19". She is OBESE--never have I seen a Sheltie so wide!! She needs some major grooming--she has knots behind her ears, behind her elbows, & on her backside, and she needs the long hair trimmed from her feet--there is so much long hair on her toes, it looks hideous, & will cause her major problems if we get a wet snow (snowballs on her toes, big time!!)

There's just me to take photos this afternoon, and the only way I could get her to co-operate was to make her lie down & stay--if she was standing, as soon as I'd put the camera up to take the photo, she'd come running. So, this picture isn't wonderful, but for the moment it's the best I could do. Here is Lady:

She looks like a really pretty girl, how lucky for her to have found you - or vise versa!
I agree with you - she looks like sheltie to me - those ears seem to hint towards shepard though. What ever her hystory is - concratulations!!
She is beautiful!!!! She reminds me some of my collie, Kelsey, who is still growing. But, I am not good at noting the differences between collies and shelties, other than size.
Boy she sure looks ALL sheltie to me
and ummm yes she is a bit "plump" I would wager she is straight sheltie just oversied with bad ears ...big problem in shelties is prick ears
beautiful and will be a great farm friend.

Shelties are supposed to have ears that have the tips turned down (must have this trait to be shown under AKC rules) but some don't have properly tipped ears. I'm told it's possible--when the pup is young--to "train" the ears by gluing fishing line weights to the inside of the ear tip. The weight will bend the ear down; eventually the weights fall off, and by then the ears will be trained to tip down properly. I guess no one ever trained Lady's ears. Oh well, doesn't matter to us.

I'll try for some standing photos later--if you could see her up & moving around you'd agree with runamuk that she is sheltie. In person, she is very sheltie.

Umm, maybe I'll wait and take more photos much later, after she loses some weight. If I get a standing one now you all will say she is a furry blob on little stick legs!!
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She looks like a bigger version of my sister in laws 5 y.o. sheltie Simba.
Oh, Lady looks like a beautiful little girl. I'm so glad she has found a good, loving home. They are a very high energy dog so she will probably be much happier with you than living in a townhome.

I can't wait to see more photos.
Oversized and prick eared Sheltie. Prick ears are a big problem with both collies and shelties.
[SIZE=14pt]She is lovely! Looks like she will work out nicely for you.[/SIZE]


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