Well-Known Member
You sure find out where there are issues!!! And I also now know that the lines were made more for smaller mini horses than for my "mid-range" 40" shetlands. So will need to get different 4 abreast lines and work with my anxious, head throwing mare more... or for actual work, put the slightly larger, heavier Koalah back into harness when her "Bunny" is a little bit older!
The eventual goal (this year?) is to pull the forecart with a mower and a harrow. I also have a springtooth harrow with crumbler that has it's own, built in, implement seat. We still need to get that one put together - hoping to work on it tomorrow? Some pics -
As you can see - the lines are too short. I couldn't even hook them to the 4 horse evener (much less to a piece of equipment behind that!) and ground drive them. Glad that my anxious, head throwing mare isn't a kicker - several times I was in a bad spot and I knew it even before I saw the pics that my girlfriend was able to take. She DID get quieter by the end of an hour.
When we hit that "sweet spot" where there was no leaping forward on our start or hanging back on a turn and all were moving pretty much together - my heart sang and we stopped!! Honestly, not sure who was more tired. Me or all of them while we were trying toget this all figured out.
Just hooking the lines is ... intricate, interesting work. AND my books on farming don't actually show the line hookup the way that I have them, which was a BIG surprise. They mostly show only one pair being "controlled" by lines to the drivers' hands
- and the others having check straps or jockey sticks from the bit to the hames of the horse next to them. I have lines actually going to each side of each ponies bits, with only two lines to my hands. The books show several configurations but not this one. Took forever to figure it out & with the girls and me "so green" right now - not even running the lines is easy to do by oneself. Don't know that I'll ever be able to work a 4 abreast hitch by myself at least not for some time when the girls are more accustomed to staying beside each other and standing quietly while you run the lines thru all the terrets and to the bits. Any separation at all (they were all 4 tied to the horse trailer next to each other) and the lines were pulled "cattywampus" or just plain wouldn't reach the bit it needed to be snapped into). Even my "solid" mare became a frustrating problem as she wanted to insist on stepping away from her partner and then swinging her hips out.
The ties prevent them from getting too far apart while driving and from swinging completely away from each other - but don't prevent them from moving a few steps out... But it didn't work to keep the ties hooked up on breeching while putting the lines thru terrets and attaching to bit - especially the 3rd pony over from the one who had "main line" - the outside two ponies had the main lines - each then having a connection to the other three. Yes, then the snaps also became a problem - the head throwing mare was able to 2x get a bit snap hooked into the terret of her partner (doens't happen with just the pair). GLAD these girls all responded to "WHOA" and "froze" when that command given after I started ground driving them! But buckles on these too short of lines will also be a PIA. I'm going to have to take them with me to OH to get the line configuration figured out and the lengths done correctly.
A new learning curve!! Gotta
My dream of 20 years ago is just coming into fuition now and it is SOOO exciting. Might have been easier if I'd found all the ponies for pairs and 4 ups at the same time and started training them all then, but it didn't work that way. In all honesty - the one filly here is just a 3 yr old and both she and the bay tobi mare have only been pair hitched a handful of times. So, this went exceedingly well!
Now just need to get all of us more driving experience in all of these different configurations.
The eventual goal (this year?) is to pull the forecart with a mower and a harrow. I also have a springtooth harrow with crumbler that has it's own, built in, implement seat. We still need to get that one put together - hoping to work on it tomorrow? Some pics -

As you can see - the lines are too short. I couldn't even hook them to the 4 horse evener (much less to a piece of equipment behind that!) and ground drive them. Glad that my anxious, head throwing mare isn't a kicker - several times I was in a bad spot and I knew it even before I saw the pics that my girlfriend was able to take. She DID get quieter by the end of an hour.
When we hit that "sweet spot" where there was no leaping forward on our start or hanging back on a turn and all were moving pretty much together - my heart sang and we stopped!! Honestly, not sure who was more tired. Me or all of them while we were trying toget this all figured out.
Just hooking the lines is ... intricate, interesting work. AND my books on farming don't actually show the line hookup the way that I have them, which was a BIG surprise. They mostly show only one pair being "controlled" by lines to the drivers' hands

The ties prevent them from getting too far apart while driving and from swinging completely away from each other - but don't prevent them from moving a few steps out... But it didn't work to keep the ties hooked up on breeching while putting the lines thru terrets and attaching to bit - especially the 3rd pony over from the one who had "main line" - the outside two ponies had the main lines - each then having a connection to the other three. Yes, then the snaps also became a problem - the head throwing mare was able to 2x get a bit snap hooked into the terret of her partner (doens't happen with just the pair). GLAD these girls all responded to "WHOA" and "froze" when that command given after I started ground driving them! But buckles on these too short of lines will also be a PIA. I'm going to have to take them with me to OH to get the line configuration figured out and the lengths done correctly.
A new learning curve!! Gotta

My dream of 20 years ago is just coming into fuition now and it is SOOO exciting. Might have been easier if I'd found all the ponies for pairs and 4 ups at the same time and started training them all then, but it didn't work that way. In all honesty - the one filly here is just a 3 yr old and both she and the bay tobi mare have only been pair hitched a handful of times. So, this went exceedingly well!
Now just need to get all of us more driving experience in all of these different configurations.
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