Pics of Forum Members on Their "Big" Horses

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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London, ON
Thought it might be fun to see those forum members that ride/rode on their "Big" horses. Would love to see that!
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I'm one of them! I've been riding Saddleseat on morgans/saddlebreds for a number of years now.

Here's me and my 31 year old morgan mare, Arianna! This pic was taken just last summer (she was 30)!!


Ari is a grand old lady, I got her when she was 28, and that year we won more than a few ribbons showing! She's amazing, so much heart in such a tiny horse!

And here's me showing Chocolate Bon Bon (two years ago), a morgan gelding owned by my trainer:


(I think he was 19 at the time!)

I'll see what else I can dig up
:new_shocked: Wow! Both are gorgeous. And you've got quite a nice saddleseat seat (is that right?LOL).
I don't have any pictures of me on my current "big" horse, but here's me on Sky, who I had to have put to sleep last month. He was my first ever horse.

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This is me on Bonnie at our first show this past may. Unfortunately, she's not mine but I ride her in lessons.


Me on Bonnie again.


This is my neighbor's TWH Oscar, who I also ride.

Sorry the pics are so big!
You wanted BIG? You got BIG!!! Here is me riding my clydesdale gelding, Bailey. We were at a game show play day and he had such a good time. Probably the slowest horse there running the barrels, and just plowed through the poles, but we had such a good time. We were just lined up at the edge of the arena and he knew when he was next and he would get so excited (well, as much as a clydesdale can get excited) and kind of just dance in place. He was soo happy that day!


Here is another picture of him looking a little less sun faded. Believe it or not, he is really a black:


:aktion033: These are all great! Love the Clyde! Keep 'em coming.
Picture of our 18 year old Paso Fino Mare at a show last year my daughter Anita & hubby Glen

Here's me on Khornerstone KpM (not that you can see either of us all that well....
: ) - he's my Arabian stallion, son of Khemosabi++++//

This is an insane costume - everything you see that is "white" is solid beaded pearls, including the reins!

Here's me on Khornerstone KpM (not that you can see either of us all that well....
: ) - he's my Arabian stallion, son of Khemosabi++++//

This is an insane costume - everything you see that is "white" is solid beaded pearls, including the reins!


LOL! awesome!
Here is my big horse that I still have, though not with me on him in the picture. Rocket... I have had him since 1998 and he is a morgan x standardbred and is only big compared to the minis. He's 14.3hh (but bigger on the inside). The lady I bought Rocket from is also the lady I eventually bought my first miniature, Eclipse, from. Back then, I gave all my horses "Sky" related names. We had Sky, Rocket, Eclipse, Sundance, Tinkerbell, Firefly, Morningstar... and then I ran out of "Sky" names so gave up that theme :bgrin

This first picture is the second horse I ever owned and one horse to this day that I refuse to ever ride again. She's a quarter horse mare now and 16 years old. When I had her she was 5. She's the most unpredictable horse I ever rode. I was told she was too much for me to handle from a trainer and I agreed. She was sold. With the new person, knowing her issues she reared up and went over backwards with a trainer they had hired. The trainer was Ok as she sank into the soft ground. The horse later on did the same thing to the owner on a trail ride and put her in the hospital with a brain bleed. She recovered and rode again. She has never been ridden bareback as no one can stay on
: . She's still ridden to this day, craziness and all.


The second and third pics are of my thoroughbred Office Cowboy. He was off the track and quite layed back for a thoroughbred. I showed him and started jumping him but decided that my horses feet could stay on the ground. He's now doing dressage or so it was last I heard. These are pictures of pictures so the first is blurry and quite distorted-don't know what happened. This is when I was in high school. My main competition's father took these pics for me and matted and framed them then gave them to me at the next horse show. We went back and forth with our placings at each show.


Here I am on my Paint mare, C Royal Beauty aka Sass. I received my PtHA Amateur Championship riding her. My championship number is 105 meaning I was the 105th amateur to receive the title in the Pinto Horse Association of America. Sass also received Horse of the Year honors through PtHA in Amateur Show Hack during our show career.


What a wonderful thread!!! Unfortunately I have no pics of me on my full size horses

You wanted BIG? You got BIG!!! Here is me riding my clydesdale gelding, Bailey. We were at a game show play day and he had such a good time. Probably the slowest horse there running the barrels, and just plowed through the poles, but we had such a good time. We were just lined up at the edge of the arena and he knew when he was next and he would get so excited (well, as much as a clydesdale can get excited) and kind of just dance in place. He was soo happy that day!
Jayne, I love those pics and I
: heavy horses "the gentle giants". When I go to some of the fairs around here I love watching them hitched. I just can't imagine polishing all of that silver tack they wear but when you see them coming, and hear the jingling of their tack and the ground shakes as they get rolling
: and the men and women who drive them when there are 6 and more of them to a hitch... my hat is off to these people for being able to do that.
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Hey Amanda, this is a shot in the dark, but by any chance is that an Impressive bred mare about 15.3 hands ? Looks so much like a filly I rode as a 2 year old that was a terminal kook with the rearing
Goodness..everyone has tall horses with long legs!! I always seem to be the different.

Here I was when I was able to ride. She is a 12.3 hand Icelandic mare.

Here are pics of the two big horses I have now. I cant find any of me riding them.

This is a recent pic of me and my Appendix mare, Belle. She's trained western and english. I am hoping to train her to jump also.


This is Blaze. When we bought him we were told he was pure Quarter Horse but to me he looks like he has another breed mixed in. He is trained western. I want to train him english and work with him on dressage. He has the most beautiful movement!


The horses below are ones I used to own and ride.

Zemosa, Quarter Horse mare. She was my first horse that I got when I was 8. She taught me everything about riding.


Jag, Thoroughbred gelding. He was a retired race horse.


Striker, Warmblood gelding.


Logan, Thoroughbred gelding.

Goodness..everyone has tall horses with long legs!! I always seem to be the different.

Here I was when I was able to ride. She is a 12.3 hand Icelandic mare.


Is she doing that "tolt" (is that it?)? Sweet.

Great pics!

Here are pics of the two big horses I have now. I cant find any of me riding them.

This is a recent pic of me and my Appendix mare, Belle. She's trained western and english. I am hoping to train her to jump also.


This is Blaze. When we bought him we were told he was pure Quarter Horse but to me he looks like he has another breed mixed in. He is trained western. I want to train him english and work with him on dressage. He has the most beautiful movement!


The horses below are ones I used to own and ride.

Zemosa, Quarter Horse mare. She was my first horse that I got when I was 8. She taught me everything about riding.


Jag, Thoroughbred gelding. He was a retired race horse.


Striker, Warmblood gelding.


Logan, Thoroughbred gelding.

My now 20 year old Appendix gelding in his younger days...



Anoki 16.3 hh mixed breed (Belgian/TB/???)




Those were taken last year...he is 8 years old now!

These were taken the first year I had him. He was 4. What an amazing boy he has turned out to be!!!



Both of our very first time in the dressage ring!



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