Well-Known Member
Bells Hollywood Heartbreaker came to live with us in April of this year. I've been trying to get some good pics of him ever since! He was either hairy, or ran off weight with his mares, or the weather was bad. But finally I got some good ones yesterday.
Hollywood is a 4 year old son of Half Measures GM Mega Bucks. He is out of a daughter of Sierras Top Gun. Hollywood is 32.75" and is a very dark bay tobiano. He does have a small star, and the only place his white crosses his back is at his withers (and just barely at that). He does have a very small roany patch on one hip. Anybody have any ideas on his pattern? I am thinking he's just tobiano. His sire is a sorrel tovero, and his dam is solid silver buckskin, so he is not homozygous for tobiano. If he carries a cream gene, I'll be extremely surprised. He is so dark he appears close to black.
Hollywood is extremely athletic, and very good minded. He is intelligent, easy to handle, sweet, and willing. He is extremely easy to train, and has learned everything I've taught him in 5 minutes or less (he wasn't handled much before I got him). He is showing very good potential as a country pleasure horse. I'm hoping to get him in the showring in at least halter next year, and driving if time permits. I am so excited about his potential!
Michelle at Wesco Farms and I had 8 mares in with him, between us. Nine mares, if you count Callita, whom we hand bred so Hollywood could learn what to do. We're hoping to get some colorful, wonderful halter/driving babies in the spring!
Edited to add: I had to lighten these pics. They were somewhat dark, and the shadows were an issue. So he does appear slightly lighter in color in these than he did in person.

Hollywood is a 4 year old son of Half Measures GM Mega Bucks. He is out of a daughter of Sierras Top Gun. Hollywood is 32.75" and is a very dark bay tobiano. He does have a small star, and the only place his white crosses his back is at his withers (and just barely at that). He does have a very small roany patch on one hip. Anybody have any ideas on his pattern? I am thinking he's just tobiano. His sire is a sorrel tovero, and his dam is solid silver buckskin, so he is not homozygous for tobiano. If he carries a cream gene, I'll be extremely surprised. He is so dark he appears close to black.
Hollywood is extremely athletic, and very good minded. He is intelligent, easy to handle, sweet, and willing. He is extremely easy to train, and has learned everything I've taught him in 5 minutes or less (he wasn't handled much before I got him). He is showing very good potential as a country pleasure horse. I'm hoping to get him in the showring in at least halter next year, and driving if time permits. I am so excited about his potential!
Michelle at Wesco Farms and I had 8 mares in with him, between us. Nine mares, if you count Callita, whom we hand bred so Hollywood could learn what to do. We're hoping to get some colorful, wonderful halter/driving babies in the spring!
Edited to add: I had to lighten these pics. They were somewhat dark, and the shadows were an issue. So he does appear slightly lighter in color in these than he did in person.

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