Liz k
Well-Known Member
Hi Diane I would be glad to give any info on the regumate....I use regumate for several reasons...if I have a prego and havent tested yet but have something streefull happeneing Ill use regumate. For Rhaposidy she has not been able to carry a preg over 60 days without the regumate this will be her 3rd baby, 1st colt was born on day 300 but didnt know to restart the regumate at day 290, second filly was born on day 314 started dropping the regumate at day 310 so with this one I started dropping the regumate at 318 days so not quite sure as to when she`ll foal but once the levels drop low enough she will go.......Both girls are quiet standing in their stalls. Just perfect, Cassie!!! Both girls are quietyly standing in their stalls. Looking down the butt of Rap, she's looking a bit more slender on her sides, so I'll be baby is moving nicely into position. Liz, I've never used Regumate (although I'm considering it for 2 mares) so how soon after stopping the meds should she foal? You'll have to share your knowledge about it and your success stories, so I can make an "informed" decision on it for my girls. Education here is what it's all about -- while we wait! Thanks in advance!!!
Info on regumate.....I start it the day the mare says no 2cc per day, must have them sono for preganacy if so, then use till day 120, I drop the dose by .2cc a day this will take about 6-8 days, then on or about 290 days I start back up 2cc and continue till safe.... Hope this helps if you have any ? let me know