I'm back home exhausted but had an amazing day! Rode rebekahs hack bj for over two hours!!!

Doing a similar thing on Thursday except it's at the Sydney international horse show grounds!! Where they held the olympics back in 2000 this place is amazing!! First time I will ride there and we are so excited! Wish I could take my smartie but thats ok I'm loving riding bj n aunty trish (rebekahs mum) said that when they move on from bj I can have him!!!!!

lol of course that will be in about 6/7years n by that time smartie will be 30
my beautiful man so It will be the perfect time to retire my old man n hopefully get bj!! Sorry to hijack tour thread Liz
Right you three!!! I am going to sleep now if you any of you decide to foal when I am sleeping well good luck! Otherwise I will be watching again in the morning as I will be in the office
oh n penny goes tomorrow
at least I can go n visit her
night ladies! Safe foaling!!