Pictures of Bebops filly

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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She's 6 days old now, finally a sunny day so we left BeBop out awhile and stayed with Little Bop. She's strong enough now, she nurses on her own, has been for the last few days, she manuevers herself around the stall, once in awhile her back legs actually move, I'm rubbing linament on them, all four legs, trying to help her, I massage them too. She gets up and stands alone for a minute or two but that's about it. If I hadn't had them xrayed, I'd feel it's hopeless but we'll give her all the time she needs, she wants to go play.




Would you guys think their's hope?
Hang in there :aktion033:

It will take 2-4 weeks minimum for healing
She is just adorable!!

And with all the stories I have heard about foal legs, I would not give up hope yet!

Susan O.

Hey the others are right, keep hanging in there. She will improve with time. Keep doing

what you are doing. We had a filly born 5 1/2 years ago, little Poo. Dam Honey was bred

by Sammie, accident breeding.. Honey was only 2. Sammie got to her. Only happen once

so we knew the date it happen. I sent Honey to a foaling center. Honey went really early up

so they could watch her. I just had a bad feeling. Got the call the mare had foaled. Honey

foaled 2 months to the date to soon. Pooh was 2 months PREMATURE. We got there, they told

me she was so tiny and so premie. They did not expect her to make it. She had contracted

tendon's. Her back legs were so soft and so tight. Her bones in the back legs were so soft.

We had to keep them wrap. The Vet gave me less then 1% she would make it. Well here we

are 5 1/2 years later and Pooh is alive, and doing great. She is just like our other horses,

only so tiny. She top out at 23 inches. But she is healthy and strong, never gets sick.

Full of personality, and attitude. She is on our web site. I am trying to find her pictures to

show you her as a baby.

We did just what you are doing with the massaging, and we did light stretching with her

back legs. It takes time. Lots of massaging. But hang in there. Our pooh made and so

can yours. Trust me the Vets wanted me to put her down. I refuse to. So hang in there.

As soon as I can find those pictures I will post one.


edit to fix.. yours is not contracted, our's was. sorry miss posed that one. You can see in

the pictures I posted below, the tendons in our baby was contracted, your's is not. what our

babies have close to each other is that their back legs were so tight. Just takes time.
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Just so people who didn't read my other post will know, the filly doesn't have contracted tendens. My vet took xrays and says their's no reason for her not to get better, he feels she laid to long in the womb in one position. The xrays showed everything normal. It's like her little hips are frozen but they are starting to loosen up a little bit. She's small but both parents are only 30" tall so she's about normal, maybe 17-18" tall. She's fiesty, she keeps BeBop nursed out.

Edited to say, I was right there for the birth or my vet said he'd think she was to long in the birth canal but that didn't happen either.
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There is ALWAYS hope and I like the others think time will correct this. Was she born early? Keep doing what you are doing and I wouldn't be surprised in the least if in a couple of weeks she is totally up and running around like nothing ever happened. :bgrin

I am not saying there is anything wrong with your foal. I am just saying we had one several

years ago, who did look like her in the back end. Our baby made it. Our mare was tiny 26".

She did not have enough room in the womb for the baby to grow. Our filly came 2 months

early. Here she is at birth.



and now at 5 yrs old.


Pooh is healthy and tiny. I spent $2,000.00 in Vet bills, and foaling center to save her.

And she was worth every penny I paid. She is a Miracle and a Blessing. She is a healthy

and wonderful mare. Lots of attitude. Our pooh is not a breeding mare, nor will she ever

be a show filly. I love her just as much.

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Oh Vicky, I didn't mean to sound like I was crabbing at you. I realize you're just trying to help. Robin Truejoy on here, wrote me a letter about contracted tendens and what her vet does, I had printed it off to show my vet and he said that this is what he does too but this filly doesn't have contracted tendons. I am sorry if I came off crabby. I'm glad you posted your pictures and am really happy your little filly is ok today. I do think BeBops filly will end up ok, I'm very thankful she is nursing on her own, that was hard to help her nurse and get going to work in the mornings too and Nates to busy farming but had to constantly take time for her, which he did.

I don't think Bops filly was early.
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I did not take being crabby. Yours does not show the contracted tendons. Mine did. If you

look at her back hoof's, you can see they are curled up. Your foal does not show this. This is

the area we had to stretch. I think your baby did not have enough room in the womb like

our's to stretch out, just give her time. It was a long struggle for our's since she came so

early. Our mare had no milk, and we had to use a mare at the foaling center for the first

week, while they got our mare to get a milk bar. Lots of shots.. I don't think our's would

have made it, if it weren't for them. They did have to give her around the clock care for the

first week.

I think just give your baby time. Was this the first baby for your mare? Honey went on to

have 2 more foals, both normal babies. It was just the first one we had problems with.

Best wishes and hang in there.

I think you should name her Little Bops Hope! I think she is in the best place possible. Good thoughts coming what a doll.
: precious

isn't it amazing the spunk in these tiny babies!!

and Vicky yours too
: amazing how well she turned out, good for you for hanging in there with her!
Thank You, I just want Marnie to know there is always hope with these little



I think your girl is beautiful, I love her markings and color. She is so

precious. I do think she will be just fine. Just give this baby a little time. Our's

took several months. But you can see she also had the contracted tendons. The

tendons and letting her bones get strength took the time. Our baby top out at

23" but please remember the mare was only 26" and dad was 29". Honey's next

two foals both boys, have both top out at about 29". I will say, I did change the sire

for the last two. Our baby made it, there were a lot of prayers for her.

I think your girl will be fine, she is a beautiful filly.

Sending prayers for her legs to gain the strength they need, and have her bouncing

soon all over the place, with Mom chasing after her.

Marnie, have you named her? I know that with the love and care you and Nate give her she has a fighting chance. The name Hope does seem to fit her wee body and great soul. My light shines for her.
Marnie, I wouldnt be waiting. She reminds me so much of how Chilly's back legs were when she was born. I waited in the beginning too, the first vet took x-rays and the whole bit, came back nothing was wrong, and to give her time, then I started really insisting on things...we had a MRI and a cat scan done, (right at our local hospital) the first vet still insisted she was doing everything humanly possible,and time was the key word.. then I contacted my surgical vet, who has a referal equine hospital....she was taken to him, and I was told I waitied too long and she should of been surgically helped immediately...he did the surgery, and had one hind working fantastic, when he rolled her over to start the second leg..he lost her! I regret to this day that I ever listened to the first vet who told me to give her time...time doesnt always heal. If I were you I would be getting a second opinion from a surgical equine vet. I didnt care what my vet bill would be if there was a way ot help Chilly I was going to do it.If you need the name of my vet (but hes in the Green Bay it would be a 4-5 hour drive for you) let me know Corinne

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