JMS Miniatures
Well-Known Member
I found a company that has the paper shavings close to me so we'll experiment next year. Their shavings look pretty nice too.
I love the paper so much, I became a distributor. If you PM me, I can give you the contact for the midwest manager and he will be able to advise you where to get them.Thanks everyone for your responses. Looks like paper shavings and the pellets are everyones favorites. I have no clue where to get paper shaving so may go with the pellets. There is a company like 20 min from me called Guardian and they have both pellets and your regular shavings. With them it says use 5 or 6 bags for a 12X12 stall and you only need to add 1 or 2 bags a week and they say you don't have to strip the stall. But with them they recommend using 1 or 1.5 gallons of water for each bag and that just seems an awfully lot to me. I've seen the pellets at TSC called Equine Fresh and a 40 lb bag isn't cheap and they say 9 bags for a 10X12 stall add 1 or 2 bags a week and they just say mist the pellets and strip every month, ahh no.
I used the shavings at TSC and was not happy with them. I believe the white bag is the flakes and the yellow is the fine. I used the fine.
I might use that much in a full sized horse's stall, but for the minis I initially bed the stall wtih 2 bags, then add a bag a week. I do have mats which helps tremendously, and I use a little shavings over top. Most of the mini stalls here are 12 x 7, foaling stalls 12 x 14 (they start with 3 bags). I very rarely strip stalls anymore, just pick out religiously and freshen as needed.I've seen the pellets at TSC called Equine Fresh and a 40 lb bag isn't cheap and they say 9 bags for a 10X12 stall add 1 or 2 bags a week and they just say mist the pellets and strip every month, ahh no.
I use the wood stove pellets too, the brand I get is just pine pellets, nothing added, and they are the same price or cheaper than the pelleted bedding. [Plus available locally, the bedding pellets are available about 150 miles from me.]I DO use wood stove pellets, but only those labeled 100% pine or fir with no additives. Here in the NW, land of the Douglas Fir, this is the norm --
I prefer shavings with straw on top--but there hasn't been good straw for a few years--so I use shavings too. I have never tried pellets.I am one that LOVES using just good ol shavings, I like them to be fairly fine but not rediculously as then they can get dusty if too fine. When using the finer shavings I have never had problems with absorbing the wet spots. Since the shavings are finer it is easy enough to pick stalls everyday. The stalls smell great and it is fluffy and soft for my horses, I know that they prefer it over pellets as well by the way they act when bedded. I used the pellets at first and will never go back!![]()