Pinto shows vs. Mini breed shows

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Yes, stall fees are always a buggar! My least favorite fees to pay (blech).

Slightly off-topic - but does AMHR/AMHA actually have a World's Show? I ask because I didn't realize that like APHA and ApHC has Nationals and Worlds - and AQHA has Congress and Worlds. I thought there was just Nationals for AMHR...
Fees are all regional. In Wisconsin they do charge per judge per class, so if it's $15 or $20 per judge you multiply that times the number of judges which I've seen them advertise 4 & 6 (to me 6x15 $90 a class is pretty steep) Then there's a per show per horse fee ($1-5) that goes to the National Pinto and an office fee per horse. By the time I would pay for my 2 horses to enter 2-3 classes and stall (or jump out fees) I could go to an AMHR show and show multiple horses in multiple classes for 2 days.

AMHR has Area shows and a National Show. (many folks just chuckle that we aren't so egotistical as to call it a World show when nearly everyone competing is only from the U.S.) AMHA has Regional shows and a World Show.
Thank you so much, everyone! It makes me want to come just how helpful everyone has been on this thread. :D Our dang show schedule for AMHR this year has just gone wacko for me, I am sorry I can't do 3 big shows in 4 weeks! Crazy!!! And of course those three shows are also being held the same month that Stepper is due to foal and my son/daughter-in-law are having a wedding. So basically, I am S.O.L.!!! The Pinto shows seem to be much more available to me this year. I am going to be starting Sensation driving as soon as this @#$!%&*!!!!!! ankle gets better. I have Alladdin who is registerable Pinto, and also Cascadian. So here are my three pintos:







Alladdin can be registered I think because he has a larger white spot under his mane, also I think his one hind sock is high enough. Also, both of his parents are Pinto.

I know Wendy Davidson from Cascade Pinto lives somewhere in the same town as me. So it might be pretty easy to get them registered.

What is a Jubilee show?

Also, I think Flirty might be eligible for breeding stock there a division for her to compete in?

Is the rule book online anywhere? I wasn't able to find it. I want to read the rules for registration and showing, especially for the driving classes.

Thanks for the help, guys. I am looking forward to seeing you all at a Pinto Show or two this year!
Wendy Davidson lives in Monroe, WA and is a PtHA sector director. She can register your minis. I think it does cost a bit more to get them registered Pinto through the sector director versus going through the PtHA office.

PtHA website is

The Jubilee shows are kind of like championship shows for a particular area. Cascade has one, Western Washington holds one and there is another held at the Oregon State Fair. If you are working towards a Legion of Merit or Supreme Champion your horse has to earn a certain number of ROM points at either a Jubilee show or at the Pinto World Show. The Jubilee Shows were partly set up to help people get ROM points they needed for the Legion of Merits and Supremes and were not able to go to the World Show. You get more ROM points at a Jubilee Show than you do at a regular local Pinto show.

Both Cascade and Western WA hold their shows at Spanaway while Oregon Pinto does their in Albany, Oregon.

Western WA's first show is in April, then another one in July and also in September. Cascade has one in May and I think the other one is in August. Oregon has shows in May, August and October. Oregon State Fair is over Labor Day weekend.
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Well, I found the rule book finally, and I have to say that I am more than excited about registering my horses with the Pinto registry. Not only are there the shows that seem to be very popular in this area, I can also earn recognition for my participation in Combined Driving Events and other ADS activities, trail driving, working on my own training at home using in-hand work, etc. Basically, I can earn recognition for any activity I do with my Pintos! What's more, we can log little Izzy's time with her Pinto as well.

Another thing I really, really like is that we can use breeching and show without checks if we desire. YAY for that!!!! So basically, I do not have to drive one way in the show arena, then turn around and do it differently when I go out to compete ADS.

I also really like some of the classes that are available for the clubs to offer, like Reinsmanship, Disciplined Rail, and even some Gymkhana-style classes for fun! Plus there is a lead-line class that Izzy can go in.

It seems like a really good fit to me, and I only wish I could register all of my horses Pinto. Maybe Stepper's baby will be a Pinto; fingers crossed! Daddy's got some wild color, so maybe! Boy do I wish my Esprit was a Pinto. Flirty is eligible based on Pinto in the first two generations, although she would be restricted to breeding stock classes in the Pinto shows. Although maybe she can still earn ROMs for other non-show activities? Not really sure how that works.

Anyway, you Pinto gals can count me in.
LOL - Now you know why we chose to raise pinto minis - it is NOT because of the color, but because of the shows and awards! I have been showing Pinto since 1996 and many of those people from 1996 are still showing, some going from youth to ammy/open.

Our club now offers Reinsmanship, and they did offer the gymkhana classes. If they don't have Amateur Mini Halter or Showmanship classes, you can take your minis in those classes too.

Good luck Amy - oh, you just missed the first deadline for the Pinto Pays Program which will pay you back money for Pinto points won in 2011. Another good reason to raise pintos!
Amy if you should come down to Albany for any of the Oregon Pinto shows make sure you look Diane(Minxie's mom) and I up! Otherwise...hopefully we'll see you in Spanaway in August!
I will definitely look people up, for sure!

I have one more question regarding "breeding stock" classification. I have two that qualify due to parentage/grandparentage. There don't seem to be any mini breeding stock classes, and it looks in other places like it is restricted for minis to compete against the big there any benefit to registering these girls? One possible reason might be they could garner points/awards/rewards out in the breed show arena as well as CDE? There was a section for CDE, and also gaining recognition at breed shows, as far as I could tell?

These are the two:

Flirty, granddaughter of Prince Tennessee of Monashee who is most definitely a Pinto:


And Fanny, who is the daughter of Alladdin, a registerable Pinto:


What say you, oh knowledgeable Pinto peeps!
I have never registered anything as "breeding stock" with PtHA, but here is what the website says about it:

"The equines that do not meet the color requirement, but have at least two or more Pinto characteristics (blue eyes; leg white above the knee or hock; white or multi-colored hooves; collective white in the eligible zones, but not enough to qualify for color; pink skin) are registered Breeding Stock. If the equines are registered with approved outcross breeds but don't meet the color requirement, these equines can also be registered Breeding Stock. Breeding Stock Pintos are not allowed to participate in PtHA events unless specified by the event rules."

So I am not sure about the two lovely minis in your photos. The best thing is to contact Pinto and e-mail them photos. Also, if you lived on THIS coast, a number of New England shows are planning to offer classes for breeding stock minis in 2011. And if you can get your minis registered as B/S Pintos, I think you can earn points for the Open Competitive Activities Program.
Amy-not sure if you camp at the shows, but if you plan to come to the Albany shows and plan to camp, you need to get campground reservations in VERY early in the year. If you want more info, shoot Sandy or me an email and we can fill you in on what you need to do.
...I can also earn recognition for my participation in Combined Driving Events and other ADS activities, trail driving, working on my own training at home using in-hand work, etc.
Another thing I really, really like is that we can use breeching and show without checks if we desire. YAY for that!!!! So basically, I do not have to drive one way in the show arena, then turn around and do it differently when I go out to compete ADS.

I also really like some of the classes that are available for the clubs to offer, like Reinsmanship, Disciplined Rail, and even some Gymkhana-style classes for fun!
Tell me about it. I've wanted to show Pinto for years but my boys remain stubbornly solid-colored!

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Minxiesmom said:
Amy-you would be more than welcome at our pinto shows! Bring Leia with you! She can show one of yours.
I'm sure she'd let me groom, at least. Let us know when your show is and I'll come down to watch!

How would I find out if the local NW pinto shows have breeding stock classes? It seems Turbo is and Kody might be eligible for that, but if there's nothing to enter there's no point in registering them.

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Contact the local clubs and see if they can add breeding stock mini classes. If you can tell them that there would likely be 3 (or more) minis that might show, you will better your chances, as there are no points awarded if there are <3 in a class. You might still have time for 2011 but it will be close.

Good luck.

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