We have a mixed bag of drivers too, many of whom won't drive obstacles, but will do them in hand, so we always add games for them too. If you have a hula hoop you can set it on the ground flat. For horses in hand, have them step into the hoop, front feet only. Once their front feet are solid in the hoop, have the handler pick up the hoop, over the horse's head, back along the horse and over his rump, down his back legs. If the horse is driving, put a wheel - either specified left or right, or choice of driver - into the hula hoop and have the horse pivot with the wheel remaining in the hoop. Green horses can do a 180, advanced a total 360 degrees.
In hand, we do musical feedbags, jumping - low fences, since our horses are so much more athletic than we are - and mailboxes. Picking up objects: cans in bags, etc are always good. Last month we walked through a PVC "doorway" with a mister on it - very cooling. Can be walked through or driven. Serpentine cones and reinsmanship type patterns driven.
OH! Apple bobbing - horse and handler! We got such a laugh out of one guy who could not get his pony to go near the water tub. He worked his way out of it by bobbing an apple himself, then allowing the pony to bite it out of his mouth!
Poker ride!!! Can be done in small area with easy obstacles. Upon completion of obstacle, driver gets an envelope (either from a volunteer, or pick up on a table near the obstacle). Envelope has 1 playing card in it. You can have 5 obstacles only, or 7 and the driver gets to toss a couple away.
You might consider a scurry if you have time!
Have a great time!
Oh, fun and inexpensive prizes: bags of horse treat mixin's, hoof picks (can never have too many of those), inexpensive bridle hooks for the tack room, shredded carrot noschies for immediate eating, raffle tickets.