Please, good thoughts needed for Prints

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Prayers and hugs for you and Prints! She is a fighter and she can and will make it.

I saved a foal with joint ill when the vet said there was no chance, he was burning up with a fever and the vet gave no hope. I stayed up with him all night giving him children's pediolyte with a syringe all through the night. The next morning he actually got on his feet and within days he was running and playing. His little body was losing all his hair because of the high fever. He was definitely a miracle baby and today is doing just fine. This was not a mini but a quarter horse baby.

I was also teaching school and could not take any days off, the 6th. graders in my class all knew about the sick foal and they were so caring and suportive. The kids were all praying for this baby to make it - Prints has a lot of prayers going on for her!!

Hang in there!!!!! Prints can survive!!
You and your little one have been handed a heavy burden, which you have handled with grace and fortitude. Adding my prayers and sincerest thoughts for Prints to pull through and be and she have earned that; may it come to pass!

Keep your chin up....

Our thoughts here are with you also! Prints truely is a fighter and will make it---I can feel it! jennifer
dang it carolyn i was praying i was wrong. NOrmally when its this advanced they flush the joints as said above. This has to be done at a hospital. Please talk to lyn and what they did for her filly.

Gosh Kay, I wan't upset with you for being right,
I was just upset that you were right. Make sense?? Sorry, I was somewhat cranky yesterday.

This morning at 6 a.m. her fever was down to 103, after medication at that time, checked her fever at 8 a.m. and it was down more to 102.

The blood work up from the other day came back, showed her white cell count at 12. We are going to do that same test tomorrow to make sure that number is coming down.

The swelling in both knees has come down. She is not limping at all. An x-ray for sure does not tell everything, but her x-rays are very good.

The rattle noise in her chest has cleared up by a ton. Almost couldn't hear it at all this morning and she even offered to eat hay. Something she hadn't been doing because she seemed to have problems swallowing it.

We have two vets on the case, one of them is more experienced with this type thing and is also consulting a specialist at Michigan State University. After looking at her x-rays and other tests, we have been told not to flush her joints. That would be for an extreme, critical case, to save the life, limb, antibiotics will not take care of. Some studies done have shown to some extend, the flushing of the joint in more mild cases, may be more of a cause for lameness as an adult, than the joint ill itself. Those they did not flush in less extreme cases, the horse showed fewer or no ill effects as an adult. Kind of like two people who are having knee problems, time could really take care of it, but one opts for surgery. Their future problems, if any, may be due more to surgery than the injury itself.

Prints did have swelling, then it went down, then it came back, and then it went down yet again. So they believe her body is doing its part to help her, and unless she has a ton of swelling, for what they consider an extended period of time, we are going to let her body do its job.

All symptoms this morning were improving. No matter how small, with this thing, small is good.

Thanks again so very much. I too appreciate the pm's with suggestion and help. We did look at and search for a number of things, I appreciate you including your stories, so I could have those things checked as well.

One more day, one less degree of fever, we're happier now.
i didnt think you were upset with me
i was just upset as i was praying so hard that it wasnt joint ill. Just remember like that article said that i sent you it tends to go back and forth for awhile on older foals.

Sending more prayers that she continues to improve


So glad to hear of some improvement for Prints.
I've had her in my thoughts and prayers. In fact, I had a medical procedure today (no big deal), but afterwards the nurse said "I bet you are relieved to have that behind you and have a good result." I said "Oh yes, but I have been more worried about Prints." She wanted to know who Prints was so I told her, sort of expecting her to go "Oh" and let it go. Turns out she has horses and also nursed a foal through joint ill a few years ago. She had a happy ending with her baby, who is now a strapping five year old QH gelding who is a great trail horse. They have traveled a lot of miles together and she said he is as sound as can be. It was good to hear of another good outcome. She said she would keep your babe in her thoughts and prayers. Horse people can be the best, can't they? We don't need to know the person or the horse to care about them. So now it looks like you have someone in WV pulling for Miss Prints too.

All my hopes for a good outcome for the Prints. We all love her.

Cheryl, thanks so much! All support, from all people is very welcome! And I do hope you are doing ok.

Kay, thanks again for that article. Not only has it helped, it has given me further information to look for.

Prints's noon update, she remains the same! Most if not all is the same as this mornings report. Wish her eyes would get a little more perky, but we will just be happy with what we have at this point. When she gets out and about, and stronger and just being her, I will get a new picture for all of you as a thank you present, from us.

Today has for sure been better, but we know this is something we have to keep an extra close eye on, and we will.

Keeping you and Prints in my thoughts.

Liz M.
This thing is aggravating, frustrating and over all just plain crap. Her temp is staying around or under 102. The rattle in her chest is back, but worst. She wheezes four times, then coughs. That has been going on for a while. She is weaker than she has been and is eating, but very little. If you heard a loud scream this morning about 6, it was me.

Have calls in to the vets. Prints over all attitude is just way off. I need someone just to fix this, please. I think the vet thinks I have been some what pushy, but they really haven't seen anything yet. They are not the ones watching her struggle on a day to day basis. All I have read and information I have been given on this illness, if I stop and think and apply it, Prints is following the pattern and it can take some time, but I do not have the patience when it comes to them being this sick, to WAIT. Gotta be more to help her.

All your good thoughts have been more than appreciated, maybe a good strong push with them today would help. I hate it when I do not feel like I have the answer to fix it. Wish I had more/better news to share.
Goodness, this little girl has really had a rough time of it. Bless her heart. We're still pulling for little Prints and for you too.

This is just my stupid opinion but i would get her to an equine hospital asap. There she can get antibiotics thru an iv which i have read is the most effective and quickest way to stop joint ill.

Keep us posted!

Is she still on antibiotics? Did the vet do a culture to see what the bacteria is susceptible to? I'm not sure about the joint ill, but for pneumonia, my vet has been using Cipro (ciprofloxacin) lately with good results.

Good luck and I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
You need to hang in there. I know how hard it is working 24/7 with a very ill horse. You feel panic and fear, like no one understands. Is there anyone who can give you a break and watch her for awhile. I wore myself into a mess with my Dusty, slept with him in his stall for a month when he came home from the vet. I was sure that he would die if I left him. I went to the house only to shower and change clothes. His stall was my bedroom. It sounds like your vets are doing what they can and you have to remember that this isn't their first time dealing with a hard case so what you may interpret as uncaring is just their being more used to it and there is not so much of an emotional attachement either. Your panic and fear will translate to Prints. You need to let her know that she is going to make it.

When she gets better ask your vet about giving her a product called EPIC Daily. It is an immunity booster. I have Dusty on it now as well as my APHA colt. It is expensive but for a mini not too bad because they don't need the big scoop. See if they think it may give her a little added backup to ward off bad stuff in the future. It is a powder in a rice bran base that you feed twice a day. Dusty only needs like a tablespoon. The big colt gets 2 ounces a day! If you want more info on it PM me and I'll get some info off the bucket for you.

Good luck and hang in there. Lack of sleep makes you feel like you are losing the battle. If it makes you feel better, sleep with her so when you open your eyes you can see her and feel her, then you can sleep some more. I know exactly how you are feeling
and it's not a good feeling at all.
I havent been following Prints story and I dont have a chance ATM to go through the posts, but the initial details of the temp and the swelling sound very much like septicemia, which can settle in the joints and become septic arthritis (or joint ill).

I have just had a foal will very serious septecemia who is just starting to come good after 5 joint flushes (3 x hocks, a knee and an elbow), 2 weeks in the Equine Hospital, countless X-rays, 3 x plasma transfusions, antibiotics and a $5k vet bill. She had a temp of 40.2 the day I took her to the hospital, but she was still quite bright.

I'm not sure how long Prints has bene unwell for but if it is septicemia you will have to move very quickly - at this point with the swelling (and I'm not a vet, just relaying my experiences) and the temp I would try to get her to a good vet hospital (i.e. university hospital or a place the deals with major problems, not just your local vet clinic) so they can do taps, take IgG tests, etc. etc. and do the flushes if required ASAP.

From my understanding

it isn't possible to fight the infection in the joints without having them flushed. Also pnumonia would be a big concern at this point with the sounds you are hearing.

Im not sure why your vet hasnt referred you to an equine hospital well before now as it seems pretty irrisponsbible as septiciemia is very tough to fight and you cant waste any time. Good luck

If you want more info of my experinces my meail is [email protected] but I would get onto the vet RIGHT NOW and get her to the hospital as your time will be running out - they get weak very quick.

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