This thing is so back and forth, therefore the reason for lack of upadates. My morning, to noon, to late afternoon reports do not mean much as it changes from one to another.
We realized Prints rattle/wheezing came back again after we had changed to a different medication, so we have switched her medication back, and it has given her some much needed relief, but is still there. The swelling in her knees has remained down and her fever continues to run between 101.5 and 102.
Her test results have been sent to a few Universities and Clinics, we will have a consultation later today and will make a decision on where to send her.
Thanks so much for your continued support, it has helped more than I can say. I would also like to thank Sandy S. again, who came over last night, just to give some added support. Nothing like having a forum member, friend, close to your backyard.
I talked with Prints last night and told her how many people were pulling for her and she needed to get better so we could end this 5 page thread.
Thanks again to all.