The hauler was sorry but said when hauling horses it is very hard to stay on schedule! The seller had the coggins and the health records were at the vet BUT the hauler said he would take them w/o the helath papers, he said the risk would fall on him and he was willing to take the risk in order to follow threw with getting the horses to me as promised.
The seller claimed the horses were "dirty and needed a trim", the hauler said this was NOT a reason to refuse to let them ship! I was called and said I just wanted him to take the horses "as is" because I could NOT afford to loose the money but the seller refused. She had said she would pay the difference but I think she feels it is the haulers fault and he blames her for a complete wasted trip and a lose of income. I can see both sides and neither one is willing to give BUT I am totally stuck in the middle. Both parties are nice people just cannot see eye to eye on this and I am the one with no horse and a hauling bill!!!!!!!!!!