I finished one dress for her American Girl doll. I don't have a doll to try it on, but the pattern has always fit. I'm bad about trying to use up stuff I have on hand instead of buying new material, so this fabric is left over from another project and the lace is all vintage.
I have an older Samantha doll, and the newer AG patterns don't fit her. I looked on ebay and the patterns run about $50... So I've been playing with the new patterns and trying to fit the older doll. The older doll will stay at my house, and I wanted to make clothes for her so when they come to visit they can play with her. I got one dress put together as an experiment; I think the altered pattern is going to work. Now I'll make her a robe and gown, and either some play clothes or something really fancy--like a princess. I'll probably have to go shopping now...
The dresses all use velcro to close; I'd like to experiement with my new machine making buttonholes. But I want to get more comfortable using it before trying something complicated.