poor sportsmanshp at shows

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I know they do a lot of things differently here in Europe, but this is really bad, and I am wondering if I could do something to change this. Any ideas would be helpful. Here , people clap (applaud ) for the first 3 places, after that they talk over the announcer, and dont even bother watching. This really bothers me . I expect it from the spectaters, but the other competetitors should be more posative towards the people showing. We all know whether the horse placed 1st or 20th , he - she , had to work equelly hard to get there. the bathing , clipping , trailoring , training etc...What harm can it do to flippen say " nice job" , or "your horse looks great today", or " nice try" .... and then clap and be respectful enough to stay till the end of the ribbon handouts. Last year we had an awsome announcer that told the audience to clap for the showers because all the horses were beautiful , and deserved it. She kept having to remind the audence to clap. nothing feels worse then to go up to get a ribbon and have it so quiet you could hear a pin drop, and no one making eye contact , or saying a word to you. This makes me NOT want to show... but in my club i am determined to make a difference at our next show in August. What do you think about having the announcer say to the handlers that it is somewhat rude to not applaud ( but say it in a nice way) ? or make a sign thats says "dont forget to clap after the show... or something like that. any ideas? I tell you it takes a lot of the fun out of showing when there is NO energy from the othewr competiters or audience, after all we are providing entertainment for them all day long, feeding them , and providing refreshments for them , letting their kids pet the horses ,and answering stupid questions like "what do you do with them , do they live in your garage"? " Can my kid ride her"? .... I fell like if the Europeand want so much to copy the Americand with this type of horse and show then they should also copy the Americans sportmanship. what do you think? Oh and how about the woman that is always at the shows alone with her little horse, no one will talk to her because she is not "part of the group" and congradulating her would be unthinkable .... this really upsets me . I am a bord member of our club, and the wife of the president was there showing , no one clapped for her because they donk like her ...now how screwed up is that? If her husband was the one picking up that ribbon you bet they would clap for him. But also , as the presidents wife of the club, she should have walked up to every club member there and said a nice hello , and given that person at least a 5 min chit chat, reminded them of the upcomming show , and asking if they would be there, if not ask why not , if its a trailering issue then maybe arrange for someone else from the club to pick her up.... Am I crazy , or is there a huge problem with promotion?
But also , as the presidents wife of the club, she should have walked up to every club member there and said a nice hello , and given that person at least a 5 min chit chat, reminded them of the upcomming show , and asking if they would be there, if not ask why not , if its a trailering issue then maybe arrange for someone else from the club to pick her up....
I have to say that if I were an exhibitor at the show & the club president's wife (or the president himself for that matter) came up and asked me all those questions, I would be not all that impressed. I would probably already know about the upcoming show and wouldn't be likely to have forgotten it, and if my answer was 'no, I won't be attending' the question of 'why not' would be intensely irritating to me. Doesn't matter why not, and I would say so. If someone wants to stop and talk to me because they want to, that is good--if they stop to talk just because it's required of them as the club president's wife--they don't need to bother! A cheery hello in passing is always nice, but forced chit chat, no, just don't bother.
What do you think about having the announcer say to the handlers that it is somewhat rude to not applaud ( but say it in a nice way) ? or make a sign thats says "dont forget to clap after the show... or something like that
Likewise, I don't see any point in this--to me forced applause isn't worth much. I guess it just doesn't bother me if people don't clap for me. I don't expect handlers in the ring to clap during ribbon presentations. If they're standing around outside the ring watching then, like the spectators, they can clap or not, as they choose--and sometimes they do just dash away, because with one class finished they may be one class closer to going into the ring themselves, and they have to go & get their horses.

Oh and how about the woman that is always at the shows alone with her little horse, no one will talk to her because she is not "part of the group" and congradulating her would be unthinkable .... this really upsets me . I am a bord member of our club, and the wife of the president was there showing , no one clapped for her because they donk like her ...now how screwed up is that?
Did you clap for her? Sometimes all it takes is for one person to start clapping, and others will then join in. I did show with someone like that at one time. This lady came up to us one day at a show and thanked us for always being nice to her--she said at all the shows we (my mom & I) were the only ones from the Morgan club that ever talked to her--all the other Morgan people would ignore her. I have no idea why that was--I don't think anyone actually disliked her, it's just that she was newer & so the long term members kind of ignored her. For that matter maybe they would have ignored us too, as we weren't part of the long term Morgan set here either, but we'd initiate conversations with the others and they wouldn't refuse to talk, and then we were just an accepted part of the group. You cannot force people to behave the way you want them to, all you can do is behave well yourself, so that you're not a part of the group that is shunning someone.
I think its respectful to clap for people who win ribbons 1st place and 15th place, its as simple as that.
We provide entertainment for the spectaters, the least they can do is support our efforts
( and the horse) and yes I clap for everyone, and congradulate everyone on their work and nice horses. I like it when people compliment me on my horse, it feels good, doesnt it , or am I just wierd? I was brought up that way.
I think its very tacky for the manager of a club to ignore its members... especially when we pay a yearly membership fee. There was a woman that wasnt going to a show , I asked nicly why not , because I liked seeing her there, she said her trailer was broken and she couldnt get a ride...I picked her up... she went to the show , and we had a nice time.

How depressing it would be if no one talked to people at shows because its "irritating" You talk here on this forum, I dont think anyone thinks its irritating, in fact we learn a whole lot from our forum conversations. maybe look at it from that point of view . I am in the Hospitality business, if we dont make our paying guests feel welcome we go bankrupt real quick. My husband and I go to each table every night and ask our paying guests if everything was OK, as a hotel and restraunt owner I want to know if we have made our guests feel welcome, we need them to come back, so I can afford to have nice horses. our guests are over 60% return customers .
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You place to 15th? wow.

Maybe an easy way to keep everyone's interest and attention (and therefore, clapping) would be to announce in reverse order, so that first place is the final placing announced.

People get busy with their own thing and don't clap, but it only takes one person clapping to remind them and get them started!
You place to 15th? wow.

Maybe an easy way to keep everyone's interest and attention (and therefore, clapping) would be to announce in reverse order, so that first place is the final placing announced.

People get busy with their own thing and don't clap, but it only takes one person clapping to remind them and get them started!

No I wasnt 15th ... I was just using that number as an example... I am just saying everyone deserves to be
and, NO for some reason it doesnt work that way here because I clapped for everyone , and the people standing next to me did not, even when I asked the 1st place winner , a young woman to applaud . Now they just stood there doing nothing...would it have hurt to give a little smile, or 1 clap? NO, but it would have made the poor woman that did come in 15 th feel a little better.
I clapped big and loud, still nothing from the shower to the left of me and to the right.
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No, no, I didn't mean that YOU placed 15th, I was just surprised that your club places classes to 15th place. I'm not sure I've ever heard of a show where they did that.
At least here being a president of a club or any position on the board is not a paid position you are giving your time to be there. I do not feel it is anyones job to be discussing the other shows ect with exhibitors however perhaps a good compromise would be making a new position in the club. Not sure what to call it maybe a membership chair? Someone whose sole club job is to welcome new members take a few minutes to introduce them to others.. email or call them and see if they have any questions or need any help getting to a club event. Sounds like you would be perfect for that type of a club job

That might solve your problem as it is really not the job of the president let alone their wife to be a hostess at a show. The fee you pay is to be part of the club not to be catered to as a club is just not that type of business.

I do understand what you are saying but can honestly say I do not stay and clap for every exhibitor I have other horses at the show to care for and get ready my focus is elsewhere.

I do try to say Congrats to people but I am sure there are people I miss again it is not my focus I am at the show to show my horses

As far as clapping.. perhaps they had other horses to show and get ready? Or other things to do? Or are thinking of what they have to do next or the horse they are holding on to.
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krissy, you missed my point completely. Talking to people at a show isn't irritating....what gets irritating is having someone question my decision to not attend some future event. If I'm not going to that event, then I'm not going, it's really not anyone's business why not. That sort of question will most likely get you the polite reply of "because I've made the choice not to attend" or perhaps a less polite "that's none of your business". If I wanted to give the reason for my non-attendance I would probably give the initial answer of "I would, but my trailer is broken down & I won't have a ride to that show, and so I'll be staying home"

as far as I can recall, here the exhibitors in the ring with their horses do not generally clap when the ribbons are being presented--and I don't see anything wrong with that. In all my years of showing various breeds at breeds and open shows, I can say that exhibitors in the ring almost never applaud the winners of that particular class. Handlers may call out words of congratulations to the person next to them or to someone passing by the line up to get their ribbons, or as they're going out the gate, but if someone is rushing away to get another horse for the next class & doesn't take the time to congratulate anyone in the last class, we don't generally consider it rude. Chances are sometime later in the show people will be walking around the barns & will stop to chat with other exhibitors and congratulations get offered at the time. No big deal, no one is offended because the congratulatory message came later rather than sooner.
Our regional shows only ribbon to 7th, or less depending on the number of entries for the class.

The procedure tends to be to award the 7th, first and then count backwards, so everyone gets some applause.....

Perhaps you could suggest that shows change the order of things?

When I was heavily active with showing, I joined the committees and even was the coordinator for two sanctioned shows, plus assisted with one unsanctioned one. Am proud to say that because I got my dirty little fingers in there, some things have changed over the years......specifically how STEWARDS are treated!
I don't think ANYONE claps here for ANY placing, unless they know the person

I don't really care one way or another who claps for who!

I understand your point Krissy. Here in Australia, most people only clap for the people they know. We also only hand out placing ribbons for the top 3 placings, sometimes top 4.

I am really tired of the showing scene. Competition seems to bring out the worst in people. The amount of back stabbing and rudeness appauls me. Sure there are nice friendly people and then there are people who 'think' they are nice but will rip a piece out of you the minute your back is turned.

It's a shame. I enjoy being around other horse minded people. I find that they are your friends as long as you don't beat them!
You all must not go to the shows I go to as we have a blast. For the most part everyone is friendly and having a good time. And they will lend you anything you need if you forget something (like I have in the past LOL)

Some shows people clap and some they dont. Guess I have never really thought about it. I do always clap for youth classes as I think they like that and it means something to them.

I have always said the fun after a show in the evening is almost as much fun as showing. I love sitting around chatting with other horse people. Always learn something new
Kay, didn't see where any of us, except for maplegum, said we don't have fun at the shows we attend. Your comment "You all must not go to the shows I go to as we have a blast" appears to be directed at multiple people. Just to clarify--I for one do have fun at the shows. I've always had fun at the shows and always enjoy the competition and the social aspect of the shows--if I didn't I wouldn't bother to show, because it's a lot of work to go & have that fun!! And yes, I think it's fairly common for show people to loan things to others during the show--something forgotten, or something broken, or something lost--show people are generally a pretty good bunch, willing to lend a helping hand to others. I'm just saying--same as Andrea and Lisa--that I've never been concerned with who claps and who doesn't, or if no one at all bothers to clap. I've never thought someone was unsporting because they didn't clap or say congratulations to the winners.

My idea of poor sportsmanship would be someone who snatches the ribbons away from the presenter & then throws them down in the dirt....or who simply ignores the presenter and walks out of the ring without taking their ribbon....or someone who stands at the gate or ringside and talks loudly and rudely about how awful the judging is or how horrible is the quality of the horse that was just pinned first in the class just finished or who swears and curses about the judge as they leave the ring. And yes, I've seen all that behavior at one time or another. That kind of behavior isn't common (most people are polite enough to put on a good face in the ring and save their rude comments for when they're back at the barn talking with their friends!) but every so often there's an exhibitor who is completely lacking in good manners and behaves really badly in one of the ways I've described here--that is what I call bad sportsmanship!
Well, at this particular show our mini course was the last show, and people were all just standing around doing nothing, so they coulod have clapped. I think now , that it just wasnt a fun social show, there was no ambiance, no laughter, no fun.I wont go next year. I also like to have fun at the shows, it puts my horses in a better showing moode when "mom " is having fun...this is why I always bring a bottle of good wine with me...it sets my mood.

I did talk to the president of our club, and our show the Raduno in Tessin (Italian border ) is a blast, and I want to keep it that way. We have music, champaign bars , wine bars, bar b ques... and lots of laughter and clapping. I asked him if i could be the " PR" person. meaning i will show people where to park their trailers, show them where things are , welcome them, help them out with holding horse when i have time, and ONLY if they need it. He LOVED the idea , and wants to keep good sportsmanship as a must at his shows. If I am not having fun at a show , then there is no need for me to go again, I might as well stay at home with my horses , as I dont make a living off my winnings, and I have a suitable collection now.
I think Miniv had a good suggestion. It would be a very diplomatic way to approach the subject without having to bring up any negativity within the club if you were to suggest placing in reverse order. It would also do a couple of other things for the shows: build suspense, and get the arena and outgate area cleared faster so that it is safer and faster for the next class to enter the arena. It also would put the spotlight strictly on the winner of the class for one brief moment. I really agree that's the best way to go.
I think "maplegum" would like to go to shows if they were more fun. I think that is what she is saying. The competitiveness sort of ruiens it for those of us that dont need that win. There must be a happy medium. I also think that if your in the arena you dont need to clap, but I do , its my choice, and dont mind being an outcast, I do it for me. But when the last place person walks out of the arena with their head down, its not going to give them a false sence of hope if you just say " ya, did good" My husband took my very nice horse to show for the first time, he completely flunked the course because he did not know how to handle the horse , and did NOT want me to help him. So I bit my toungue and watched him drag my nice horse through the course on her back hind legs rearing at everything ( it was a bad match ) ... I think he wanted to hummiliate me so he wouldnt be asked by me to help at shows...his plan worked. he came in 30th out of 29 competiters ( one did not show) He was too embarrassed to collect his ribbon, so I had to , and I laughed at the situation, nice mare in the wrong hands placing after the wormy bellied horses with lice , and poor confirmation , and not cared for. OH well. it would have been less awkward if others could have laughed with me and not just turn their heads.
I am not going to shun her for having a very bad day,
Minimor I guess I didnt realize I had to specifically address my post to Maplegum and Krissy.

Was just pointing out that not all shows/show exhibitors are bad and can be a lot of fun.
I know shows can be fun (Kay Kay) I wish I knew where the fun ones were. I like the sound of your show. I want ours to be like that, and in a way it really is ,I want to keep that going , loaning things, helping people do a touch up clip, and such.. sounds like a fun place to spend your weekend .
Ive been reading this post and not knowing if I should add my 2 cents because I have only been to shows as a spectator and I think Ive been to maybe only 5 shows.

Krissy, it sounds like ( from your first post ) you were showing for our ( spectators ) enjoyment and seemed to think we owed it to you to clap b/c of having to answer questions and b/c you let us pat your horses etc. though out the day. I would think with that attitude your shows wouldnt be very much fun for you.

I do however agree that it would be nice for people to clap for everyone and calling winners in a different order is a great idea. And the suggestion of the announcer to give everyone a round of applause prior to any ribbons is also good. I dont know about these shows but some shows are often on a tight time schedule and if they had to give 30 seconds to everyone that gets a ribbon just so others can clap for them this would really back the show up. I notice there IS A LOT of clapping as the horses and handlers enter the ring...it wonderful.

My first mini show was here in Fla. OH MY GOSH...I could not stop drooling and was just so amazed to see that many little horses..my mind was racing and my eyes were darting back and forth. I couldnt talk to anyone because I was in such awe of all these beautiful little horses. I was studying every little thing the handlers were doing and taking mental notes of it all.If anyone said "hi" to me I think I would have jumped outta my skin. Well at lunch break I went and walked through the barns and saw this man in an old wife beatter shirt, jeans and base ball hat, clipping a darling little horse. I was mesmerized at how quick and how good he was....O.K. maybe I was staring. I asked a few most likely stupid questions ( while standing about 15 ft. away b/c I didnt want to get in his way ) about his clipping and his horse. He mentioned that the horse was not his and that he has clipped many horses in his day. Well when I walked away I thought what a nice guy answering all my stupid questions...he must be a groom if all he does is clip horses b/c he certainlly wasnt dressed to be showing. Anyway come to find out ( I overheard someone later in the day )that it was Lee Crutchfield that had been clipping the horse. I watched him the rest of the day ( well sort of stalked him would be more like it )and watched everything he did and said to the handlers that he was with. He seemed to be very professional and just an all round nice person. Other people were asking him things and he would always seem to take the time to answer ??s even when he had a handful of horses.The icing on the cake was when I saw him bring out Catch....how I missed him in the show barn earlier was beyond me....well I came down out of the stands to get closer to Catch. I wanted to be able to actually touch this horse with my own hands (silly I know )Well Lee saw me standing there ( once again 15ft. away ) while he was getting ready to pass Catch off to go into the ring and he said "oh, still here? enjoying the show? He must have read my mind because he said..."this is Catch...you can pet him if you'd like" Well I thought I would just die....Im such a mush...I think I had to hide my happy tears thinking that this man was so nice to let me just touch this beautiful horse.It is still a high light of my life.

At another show, only my second one I dragged my husband. Walked all around again and drooled. Couldnt find my husband and thought he must have gone to take a nap in the car. he returned and said he was just talking to a guy named Gary whos daughter goes to School near us. husband went on to say what a nice guy he was and they talked about horses and horse trailers ( we were getting ready to purchase ours )he took the time to show my husband his trailer and different options and such. I ended up speaking with him later on and once again was thought he was very funny and just another nice person.All these what I consider big time show people taking the time total to little ole me. It wasnt till later on reading the forum that I realized that it was GaryO. What Im attempting to say is that the few shows I have been to as a spectator have always been alot of fun and everyone has always been helpful and curteous. I would think in the hussle and bussle of showing, people do forget to congratulate others, maybe not clap as much as they should but all in all I think most of these owners and handlers and spectators do a great job making everyone feel welcome.I have never not had a good time watching the shows.

Krissy, I think you would be a wonderful hostess for your shows and it sounds like maybe others would benifit having you help out. You should go for it.

It is nice to to see on the forum that many people that do put on the shows and work hard behind the scenes DO come on the forum and THANK everyone that showed,helped out and even just came to watch and support their groups. I think they are clapping too for everyone...you just dont always hear it!!

With that I'll get off the soap box and
for all of you that have helped me to really enjoy being ONLY A Spectator!!

Oh, and thanks to Lee, for showing me how to easily clip around the fetlock...your such a wonderful and friendly "groom"
)that it was Lee Crutchfield that had been clipping the horse. I watched him the rest of the day ( well sort of stalked him would be more like it )

Oh, and thanks to Lee, for showing me how to easily clip around the fetlock...your such a wonderful and friendly "groom"
LOL Ok I was laughing so hard I am crying.. I to was a Lee Crutchfield stalker it started out as I was watching him in the warm up area getting ready and then was sort of following him to the gate without even realizing it- I have since asked him many a stupid question and he always takes the time to not only answer but in the warm up ring at Nationals a different year he even took my horses lead and did his best to help him and the horse a few minutes before our class.

Nice when someone of his caliber takes time out to help others

perhaps us Lee stalkers need to start a fan club LOL (so glad I am not the only one who did that )
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