Litle ribbie ...cool post and thank you for giving me an inside look at the spectators point of view. This is helpful to me. I will concentrate a bit more on the spectators , after all , they are 50 % of the show , and we need them, and we need to appreciate them.This post gave me a ton to think about. We are in a forigh country, and unfortunatly , the mentality is not the same here there is NO support here, its just the way things are , but it will change , I am going to try all of your suggestoins, and i appreciate the feed back. This is a new club here. We are the only club in Switzerland , and I want it to succeed in every way possible. I love these horses, and want them recognised for their beauty inside and out. not just left in a garden to founder and die because people dont know how to care and show them. THANK YOU ALL !!! for your help