poor sportsmanshp at shows

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Litle ribbie ...cool post and thank you for giving me an inside look at the spectators point of view. This is helpful to me. I will concentrate a bit more on the spectators , after all , they are 50 % of the show , and we need them, and we need to appreciate them.This post gave me a ton to think about. We are in a forigh country, and unfortunatly , the mentality is not the same here there is NO support here, its just the way things are , but it will change , I am going to try all of your suggestoins, and i appreciate the feed back. This is a new club here. We are the only club in Switzerland , and I want it to succeed in every way possible. I love these horses, and want them recognised for their beauty inside and out. not just left in a garden to founder and die because people dont know how to care and show them. THANK YOU ALL !!! for your help
Can I just clarify that I actually do have fun at shows! But - the backstabbing and competitive nature of some people sure drags down my spirits.

I attend almost every local show and even the State Championships. I don't take Bailey and Willow, my horses, I help out my good friend with her horses. I like going along helping out, but I don't want to get caught up in the competition side of it.

I'm not a competitive person so it does not come naturally to me. I have enjoyed the few times that I did show Bailey and Willow, and they actually did very well. Heck, I even took Bailey in the ring without clipping him! LOL. That just goes to show how light hearted I take all of this.

I go along to the shows to admire and love on all of the horses there. I don't care who they belong to, I just love horses!
Going to shows, for me, is a lot of fun. I like to compete and go to shows.

The show committees generally make everything very pleasant and helps solve any problems that may come up. They are hospitable. I am very impressed at how "horse people" go out of their way to help others by letting others use equipment, giving others help with horses, sharing information, congratulating one another, and being hospitable. There is a lot of camaraderie and laughter and sharing. If someone needs help, all they need to do is ask and plenty of people will volunteer to help. I've seen it happen many, many times. On the other hand, if a person is silent you can't expect others to be mind readers. People are so busy that they don't think to go around asking quiet people if they need help.

At some of the shows, there are very few spectators because just about everyone is back in the stall and grooming areas getting ready. There are very few people ringside to clap. At some shows, local people do come to watch, but many times that is not the case.

What I do notice is the big support for youth classes. People will come to the ringside to support the youngsters. Seems like all the youngsters get a round of applause and cheers. Youngsters are the future of our "sport" and should be encouraged. There is always a lot of cheering for all of the youth, win or lose.

As for poor sports, every sport has them. You quickly ascertain who those people are. Then you have a choice as to how you interact with them. JMHO

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