Thank you for your kind words. My Aunt passed about an hour ago, and I'm just getting home. Have been at hospice since about 3 this morning, but it's a blessing for her to have gone, and my mom is taking it pretty good, as we've been at hospice almost non-stop since Friday morning around 9 am. So, she had plenty of time to do the story telling and sharing, while my Aunt was still conscious, and then today, was a hard day as it dragged on a long time. But God is good, and mom is doing fine with it. She's sad of course, but having been there, she's understanding what has just happened. So, much better than when my sister died in her sleep a few months ago. She was really confused with that, but this has worked out much better.
I'd say, let's see some more pictures in a few days. When was she bred? She doesn't look like a mare that's anywhere close to delivering, so when is her expected due date? Is she a maiden? I can't remember. LOL