Everyone has some beautiful foals. I thought I would post pictures of our new foals.
Spotted Dreams Emma's Delight, aka Emmy. Born 2-24-13. Out of Spotted Dreams Spring Time Fancy and Moss Grove Strutting My Spots. Our first 3rd generation foal and born on my Mom, Emma's, 89th birthday.

Spotted Dreams Starbursts Polka Dot, aka Dottie. Out of Mini Brooks Starburst and Moss Grove Strutting My Spots. Born 3-15-13 Starbursts first foal at 7 years old. Definitely worth the wait.
Spotted Dreams Apache Storm Born 3-19-13 Out of Moss Grove Apache Princess and Mountain Tops Moonbeam Supreme. Princess's second foal at 7 years also. She lost her last foal at 280 days. He looked just like this one. Storm was born at 297 days and both did fine.
Spotted Dreams Black Hawk Born Easter morning 3-31-13 Out of Moss Grove Hallmark Secret and Moss Grove Strutting My Spots.
Spotted Dreams Spring Clover Born Easter afternoon. 3-31-13. Out of Crayonbox My Kind of Rain Falabella, aka Stormy, and Mountain Tops Moonbeam Supreme. This little girl surprised us. We went out to hide Easter eggs and there she was with her mom. My mares always foal indoors. But Stormy did great and everything went fine. She is a tiny girl.
We have four more to foal. Hoping for healthy mares and foals.