Carly Rae
Well-Known Member
Argh, I just read over it all and I was a total drama queen sorry all, just one time I think I have been doing really good, then it goes bad, then I get all jumbled up and confused. So I am going to try look at this all at a positive perspective.
AngC, I know I am floundering. I took a break and had a long hard think about it all, read more and thought harder. You are right, once again I began to rush things.
With the question, I didn't directly mean you handling my horse, I meant if a horse was rearing at you just trying to stand over you, what would you do? But anyway...
But on a GOOD note!
, I decided that I would go out to Toby this afternoon just before dark and practice leading again, not out in the open-But In the pens. It was SO much more positive, not once did I get angry or want to give up. I took in consideration what a lot said how I should find what works for ME. And I did. And it worked very well. I used the stick method, to keep him a distance which worked much better than using the crop to keep him away. I completely ditched my whip- Toby was much happier to cooperate with me when I was not holding a whip, I think he saw it as a threat maybe?. I used 'Pressure and Release' for when he did not stand by my side and kept moving his feet. I would put pressure on the lead and released when he stood. We went around and around the pen changing directions, stopping, standing then walking. Just kept a routine of all that. I kept the lesson short, about 10 minutes-I read in a book not to drag lessons out. We finished the lesson on a positive note, not once did he rear at me or even show signs of wanting to rear. By the end of the lesson he had a fully slack lead, he had his head and he was following by my side the right distance. He was very relaxed and so was I. I was very happy with him, happy in general. I didn't have enough time to do the tying after the lesson as it was getting late.
Now we just have to do it all again tomorrow
I just hope future lessons can be like this(I know not all will). I am ACTUALLY going to take it slow this time. I am going to do what I feel works for us as a team. I am also going to spend LESS time on the computer, on forums ect and spend MORE time just simply bonding with my horses, not just thinking I am but actually not. I mean it this time.
Thanks everyone for your help. I will not be posting over and over pages full of negative anymore. Thank you for putting up with me
I will probably log on once a day so i can just take a break.
AngC, I know I am floundering. I took a break and had a long hard think about it all, read more and thought harder. You are right, once again I began to rush things.
With the question, I didn't directly mean you handling my horse, I meant if a horse was rearing at you just trying to stand over you, what would you do? But anyway...
But on a GOOD note!

Now we just have to do it all again tomorrow

I just hope future lessons can be like this(I know not all will). I am ACTUALLY going to take it slow this time. I am going to do what I feel works for us as a team. I am also going to spend LESS time on the computer, on forums ect and spend MORE time just simply bonding with my horses, not just thinking I am but actually not. I mean it this time.
Thanks everyone for your help. I will not be posting over and over pages full of negative anymore. Thank you for putting up with me

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