What a great thread!
I'll post some in a bit. Cayuse - Nikki's Express (website currently being rebuilt) used to have an Amish builder make their mini forecarts in green - a lot more minimal metal(s) than mine from Pioneer. I think you can check with White Horse Manufacturing? I believe they are in PA.
Also check here with
Carolina Carriage Superstore - Greer, SC carries different wagons (farm & amish style), carts & carriages.
Our first sulky cart - got it with a 12 hh Hackney mare in 1997, Shown first w/ AJ in 1998. Then, shown here with our 40" shetland mare, Bell in 2010 - 13 yrs after we got it used! Madira (our middle daughter) is driving in both pics. It was refurbished once by someone who borrowed it from me for a year - the seat was redone, the whole cart was sanded/repainted black, New leather put on the shafts, wheels stripped of rust & repainted silver. Mostly in storage from 2001 thru 2007 - when it came back into use. Heavy use from this day 28 May 2010 forward to 2014. Not hooked since we've been here (January 2015)...
The same cart - having taken it up to Millersburg, OH in spring 2013 to be refurbished again after Bit had a bucking fit and broke the circle bar in the fall of 2012. It now also has a single tree, tug stops & footman's loops on it for the first time. Wish I'd had the shafts shortened AND the singletree put under the shaft for a lower draft. The wheels also were replaced - they are now the no air type (however that makes a huge differernce in the comfort of the ride for both driver and pony!)... Only pics I have of it redone, so far... Not sure why I didn't get the windscreen redone... Never occurred to me, I guess, LOL.
Our first EZ entry cart - yes - harness hooked up wrong, no breeching, daughter barefoot, 46" shetland stallion doing ok for his first hook in 9 years. Bought the cart used in TX. It was one of the last Frontier's built (not the same as Frontier in MO)...
Vicki bought a no-name EZ entry for her ponies - only it was too small and the guy wouldn't exchange it for a larger one. So, since i had younger ponies and a few smaller than 40", I traded the one above for this smaller one. I didn't like the metal shafts w/ no single tree, so when the sulky cart redone, I had this one done, too. Also got a heavier axle and no-air tires... Hmm... should have redone those cheap springs, too!
This was our first wagon. It was probably way too big for the Shets. But it worked for us to start with. The only problem? - it didn't fit in the trailer w/ the ponies to go to any events (I used a 1969 Hale stock trailer for years for the ponies! It's narrower than current day horse or stock trailers by almost a full foot). I could only use it locally or someone had to use a flatbed and haul it out for us. Here is a pic of Koalah and Bell pulling it. The green cooler is what passengers sat on (yea, o so safe! LOL). The blue cooler on the ground is what we used to "mount" the wagon. I later carried a bucket that I attached to a lead rope. I dropped it to the ground to get down & also used it to get in. Couldn't do that now - not flexible enough, LOL. O, & so safe as well, we know NOT. It went to 3 events - one of which was the one I hauled it to for the new owners...
I posted pics of the Pioneer wagon & Pioneer Forecart in the other thread...