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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2003
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I have an AMHA printout for him. REG #48064. Born 2/3/86. Was told her was a national Champion in carts. Was last owned by Floyd Potter--Deceased. Anyone know who has him & when he was shown. He was in Oregon earlier this year. Either post or PM me. Thanks for any info.
My sister and I trained "Theo" to drive and showed him for a number of years on the NW show circuit for Floyd Potter. Theo was just under 30", if I remember correctly. He is black with a lot of roaning on his face and throughout his body.

Theo was never shown on the National level, so no, he is not a National Champion driving horse. However, he did do very well on the local level winning numerous Grand Champion stallion awards in halter at AMHR shows. Floyd didn't like AMHA, so he usually stayed home when we went to those shows.

I have numerous photos of me showing Theo in halter, but unfortunately, that are all back in Oregon.

Theo is a kind and gentle little guy that will try anything that you would ask of him. I can't believe he will be 20 years old!


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