Pray for Debi Wednesday, debriding

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I spoke to Debi.

It was very sad.

She has debriding again on Wednesday and doesn't want to go.

She's trying to get out of it because of the horrible pain and she's so scared.

I told her that she has to stick up for herself and get someone to listen and to try to get someone to help her with the pain she will endure. There may be a medical reason for them not wanting to give her anything, we don't know. But I asked her to speak up about it. She says if they don't give her something, anything to help, she will leave and refuse treatment. Can't say I blame her but she does need this done.

I hope I was able to cheer her up a bit.

Please let's keep Debi in mind and in our prayers.
Absolutely, without question! Lifting up in prayers, holding in heart and hugs. May God bless, be with and transcend to her the strength and courage to bear through to healing, In Christ's Love and Mercy, I pray. Amen.
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I spoke with Deb today also. She says she is doing better today than yesterday. She is so brave and strong but I don't know how she can keep doing it. She can't take any pain medicine that has codeine in it and that is most, so that is a big problem.

I sure miss all her posts on here.

Take care, Deb. I'm saying lots of special prayers for you.
There are soooooo many other pain meds out there that don't have codeine. She definately needs to speak up and get something before the debridement. She could even get an injection for pain. Pain control is a biggy now with doctors.....and she has a very legitimate need!
OMG I wish I were there to speak up for her- the doctors would never stand a chance (and I would spend Christmas in jail
) She absolutely has to stand her ground on this one. Why cannot they give her local anaesthetic or even just put her out as they do for dental work??

Dear Deb, I am thinking of you and praying that the right words come to you. Jane
Oh Debi, Why didn't you tell me when I spoke to you yesterday.
I am so sorry you have to go through this. You must stand up for yourself and you must have the debridement. If you don't have it done you can get some very bad infections and worse. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I spoke with her also and suggested Demerol. Thats a drug she casn take as long as she has a person do drive her home afterwards. She was doing to talk with her vet about it. After the suppout she gave to me without hesitation, All I can do is pray that she gets through this ordeal with as little discomfort as possible. She is in my prayers nightly.
oh deb god luv you, i wish there was somthing i could do except give you my best, i really feel for you,i hope they can give you somthing soon, the only consilation is that your near the end of treatment the more they do it, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}
Sending prayers. How many more of these horendous things does she have to do?

((hugs Debi))
Debs, I am thinking about your & sending prayers & good healing thoughts your way. I hope they can give you something to ease the pain.
[SIZE=14pt]For 3rd degree burns she will have debriedment for several weeks. IT removes the dead burnt tissue so the new tissue can grow. Thats why it is so painful. The burn pt is usually put into a whirlpool bath or tub to loosten the skin and then they pick it off. It is horribly painful..... She has 3 or spots that are thirds. She also has to get herself around which is why she isnt taking the narcotic pain killers.... I started praying already at 7 this am.[/SIZE]

I just can't imagine the pain... Debi big hugs coming your way. You are in my prayers!
Oh Deb -- thinking of you -- wishing and hoping that it is not as painful as you anticipate -- and that you don't have to do it many more times (in fact hoping this is the last treatment).

Wish I lived close by and could take you to and from your treatments!

Oh Deb! I'm sooooooo sorry for all the pain you are having to endure. You've been in my thoughts daily and will continue to pray for the pain to go away as soon as possible.
Oh, Deb, I'm so sorry you have to feel this way.

I really wish there was some pain relief for you, whether it be a natural method or a chemical, just anything to not think of the agony you must be in.

Please know my thoughts are with you, this just isn't fair, it can't be bad enough the original injury, seems horrible that the "worst is yet to come" aka the healing and repair process.

You don't deserve this!

Liz M.
So sorry you have to go through all that pain....keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and praying for a speedy recovery!

Take care and God Bless....
Debs, how are you feeling? Please check in, I have been worried sick about you!!

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