Prayer Request

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Oh Michelle, that is a horrible story! My gosh, I just can't imagine, that is every parent's worst nightmare for sure!

Sending fervent prayers to everyone associated with poor Blake.
: Prayers are there. I'm so very sorry for this horrible tragedy. I can't imagine the pain and sorrow of losing a chid. It's got to be the worse thing in the world. What courage it took to donate the organs of their precious son and save the lives of 5 others. Bless their hearts. May God surround the parents and family with his love and bring comfort to their broken hearts. Michelle, you're a wonderful friend and will be needed now more than ever. I pray for your strength as you help your friends in their time of sorrow and loss. God bless you all.

ooooh... :no: :no: sending all the prayers I can your way for your friend and for you...

I just don't understand the world sometimes... :no:

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Oh, Michelle, I am just overwhelmed with sadness and shock to think of this tragedy.

To have to outlive a child, and to have that child taken in such a violent way, it is without equal to me.

I wish I knew what to say to help any of you, but I am glad that there is some small amount of good in this awful experience, though it had to happen at all is just beyond me.

Please know my thoughts are with all of you, and I wish you all peace in your time of grief and shock.

Liz M.
Thanks everyone for your support. I told my friend and she's truly touched and has asked me to copy all of the messages for her.

The 3 people that killed her son are in custody and face formal charges on February 1st. We did find a lovely place at the cemetary at the Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. I'll be headed back down later this week for his burial.

The one donor receipent that the family knows is doing well with his new liver, although feeling a bit guilty about living unfortunately, even though he's been told how happy we all are that he has a new lease on life. His family will be attending Blake's funeral service which my friend is really glad about.

Thanks again everyone it really is nice to see such geniune concern and prayers that you have all expressed both here and privately.

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