Sarah's Little Blessings
Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! Please pray for our little colt, he is by Thunder, and out of my mare Queenie. Today when I went to do the rounds at 7:30ish PM he was fine, bucking, kicking, having himself a blast! Then I went back outside, and something told me to go check on him and his mom(THANK GOD I TRUSTED MY GUT) he was coughing, snot coming out, trying to "throw up"(although horses can't do that I'm told) Having terrible sounds,like gargeling
coming from his throat. (This was around 8:05pm) SO I RAN inside, called the vet and speeded down the road to take him there.
He and his mom were so good! He has been through tubing, shots,ect. Basically what happened was he drank some milk from the mom and it went down the wrong way in his lungs, as well as some grass. Our vet was lucky to get most all the grass up, and some of the fluid. Bad thing is there is still ALOT in there, and although he has quit choking we are worried bad about PNEMONIA!(SP?) Plus he could go to choking again! We are under strict orders to check on him every 1-2hrs, give a dose of antibiotics 2 times a day, banamine 1 time a day, and watch the stool. Also have to make sure to get some foal electorlites down him. Oh and check his temperature.
Our vet said if he makes it through 3 days without getting worse he should make it, but its very risky and doesn't look good. He said he has never had a foal to do this, not at around 3 weeks old... which makes it even worse!
Please just keep us in your prayers!
Thanks in advance-God Bless
I will keep everyone updated.

He and his mom were so good! He has been through tubing, shots,ect. Basically what happened was he drank some milk from the mom and it went down the wrong way in his lungs, as well as some grass. Our vet was lucky to get most all the grass up, and some of the fluid. Bad thing is there is still ALOT in there, and although he has quit choking we are worried bad about PNEMONIA!(SP?) Plus he could go to choking again! We are under strict orders to check on him every 1-2hrs, give a dose of antibiotics 2 times a day, banamine 1 time a day, and watch the stool. Also have to make sure to get some foal electorlites down him. Oh and check his temperature.
Our vet said if he makes it through 3 days without getting worse he should make it, but its very risky and doesn't look good. He said he has never had a foal to do this, not at around 3 weeks old... which makes it even worse!

Please just keep us in your prayers!
Thanks in advance-God Bless

I will keep everyone updated.