prayers needed for forum member who is ill.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Hi everybody,

Clara (walter) Woodson is really sick, she has been sick for over a week and I talked to her last night and she said she believes she is worse. She has a sinus infection, ear infection, and sounds like pneumonia but isn't. She said this was the worst virus she has ever had. She is on some really strong antibiotics as well as a cough medication and she said all she wants to do is sleep.

Please pray that she gets better soon.

Prayers coming your way Clara!
: Hope your feeling better soon!

Take care!
Oh no! I was hoping she would be better, not worse by now. Clara is a dear friend and I will be sending her healing thoughts and prayers.
Oh no, she made such an impression on raven coming to Nationals and watching her show foxy. Raven was so very proud to show and do well in front of his breeders it will be something she always remembers.

Clara please get better soon wish we were closer to help out
Clara, hope our feeling better soon.....prayers to you!
Hope you're soon feeling better Clara! If you feel like sleeping all the time, then that's what you should do!! Your body is telling you you need it. Just take it easy, and hope you'll soon be feeling better!
Sending Prayers your way Clara.....Hang in there....Get lots of rest!!!!

Get Well Soon Clara....your babies need you as well as your friends.
Clara, feel better soon. Carl has had it all week and slept on and off all day for three days. I think it is helping him get over the fever eyc. I never sleep daytime and took two one hour naps yesterday..could have today but didn't.

If you don't improve do you think you should get back to a doctor? Hugs and prayers, Carl and Maxine
Feel better soon Clara. Spring is around the corner and you need to be up and at 'em to enjoy the fine weather!
Thank you, thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I am somewhat better, thank goodness. I feel I still have a long ways to go to be rid of all of this though. This is really some kind of bad stuff guys. I hardly ever let anything like this bother me but this knocked me down.!! I will be going back to the Dr. next week to check on the sinuses. Thank goodness for friends and good neighbors.

Love, Clara

PS...Miss Snowflake did bless me with a colt last evening. The neighbor had to come and pull that as I am not off of restrictions from my last surgery yet. All is well.
Clara, I am sending thoughts & prayers your way, I hope you are on your way to feeling better! I have heard there is some awful virus going around we have had people out for over a week at work because of it & it just puts people through the wringer. I hope you are getting rest & do hope you get to feeling better

real soon!!

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