Well-Known Member
Target of course is who our farm is named after, and indeed, why we bought the farm in the first place. He is 25 years old and had 2 colic surgeries that removed first 6 feet, then another 24 feet of his small intestines. After his second surgery he was still shown and earned his Amateur Pinto Championship. Up until less than 2 weeks ago, he was doing fine with the intestines that were left. Vet isn't sure what happened, but he suddenly dropped weight, so we had blood taken yesterday and some results just came back. He has a very high white blood cell count, evidence of a massive infection and some anemia. He is still eating, drinking and pooping, but losing weight practically from day to day. Vet will be back in the morning to start him on antibiotics, but doesn't offer a whole lot of hope. At least he is pretty sure it is not something contagious. He thinks it may be an internal abscess, possibly related to the colic surgery, the last one of which was 10 years ago. But I doubt we will ever know as we won't be taking him back for more surgery.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Below - Target and Princess, 2004.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Below - Target and Princess, 2004.

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