Wow - and I don't mean that in a good way. You are so incredibly "lucky" that you didn't lose more of your babies! I would consider contacting the race track, see if they are taking any legal action against this man. Maybe you can join up?To all of you my dearest Friends
Thank You from the bottom of my heart. It has been such a horrible week with loosing
our dearest Whisper. I still can't belive tonight she is gone. The barn is lonely without her.
There will always be a hole in the barn now. Her death came so un-expected. I was starting
to believe she was going to be okay.
I had Whisper buried at a Pet Cementary, where we have our other horses. The Cementary
came today to pick her up. It was so hard to see them take her. I did talk to the guy who
was picking her up. He was on his way to Lone Star Race Track to pick up several horses.
He said they died from Colic yesterday. My heart just broke more. The hay guy had told
us he sold over 200 bales of hay to them last weekend.
I called the hay guy this afternoon to tell him to come get his hay. He was like you can
bring it to me. I told him NO, he cost me enough this week and the loss of our mare.
The guy was a jerk. He started to get smart or stupid. I told him, the Pet Cementary
was here and pick of our horse, and was leaving for Lone Star Race Track. He hung up
on me.
So do you think he will come get his hay.
Thank You for all your prayers, and being there for us.
That is exactly what I was going to suggest. This has class action lawsuit written ALL over it!Wow - and I don't mean that in a good way. You are so incredibly "lucky" that you didn't lose more of your babies! I would consider contacting the race track, see if they are taking any legal action against this man. Maybe you can join up?To all of you my dearest Friends
Thank You from the bottom of my heart. It has been such a horrible week with loosing
our dearest Whisper. I still can't belive tonight she is gone. The barn is lonely without her.
There will always be a hole in the barn now. Her death came so un-expected. I was starting
to believe she was going to be okay.
I had Whisper buried at a Pet Cementary, where we have our other horses. The Cementary
came today to pick her up. It was so hard to see them take her. I did talk to the guy who
was picking her up. He was on his way to Lone Star Race Track to pick up several horses.
He said they died from Colic yesterday. My heart just broke more. The hay guy had told
us he sold over 200 bales of hay to them last weekend.
I called the hay guy this afternoon to tell him to come get his hay. He was like you can
bring it to me. I told him NO, he cost me enough this week and the loss of our mare.
The guy was a jerk. He started to get smart or stupid. I told him, the Pet Cementary
was here and pick of our horse, and was leaving for Lone Star Race Track. He hung up
on me.
So do you think he will come get his hay.
Thank You for all your prayers, and being there for us.
Oh Vicky, I am so so sorry that you lost your beloved Whisper. You did all you could to save her and she knew that she was loved. I know words are no consolation but here is a couple of things that brought comfort to me when I had to help my Shelly cross the bridge.
Somewhere in times own space
There must be some sweet, pastured place
Where creeks sing on and tall trees grow
Some paradise where horses go
For by the love that guides my pen
I know great horses live again!
Some Horses come into our lives and quickly go
Others stay a while,
Make hoof prints on our hearts,
And we are never, ever the same
Thank You for the poem and your thoughts and prayers.
Thank each of you for your prayers for our Whisper, and for us this week. I still can't believe she
is gone. I am grateful we only lost one horse, but even one horse should not have had to die.
My heart is still broken over it. My Vet had his Tech to call me on Friday to see how I was doing.
His Tech said he could not believe we lost her. He fought so hard to help me save her.
Her stall is lonely without her, her best friend Porcelain misses her. She stated acting upset and
stressed yesterday. We gave her some banamine and ulcer med's. She was better today.
So we are watching her. She is doing better being back in her old stall and with her buddy the
donkey Eeyore. I just can't believe we lost her, we loved her so much.
I am going to call the Race Track on Monday and let them know we lost a mare this week.
And tell them to watch their horses and see if the horses that died were to the bad hay? I
know 3 horse's died from Colic. How so scary.
I did get a hold of our old hay guy and he has found some really good hay. He brought me by
2 bales tonight and will bring some more in the AM. Next weekend I get my check and can
get more. But Mike is bring me enough to get buy on. The hay he brought was so good. It smelled
so fresh and looks green on the inside. Our horses were so happy tonight.
Thank you for all your prayers, we just don't want anyone else to go through this. If you live
in Texas and plan to buy hay from Cleveburn let me know and I will email you his name and
phone number so you know to STAY A WAY FROM HIM.
Thank You All from the bottom of my heart
Hugs to you Vicky