Little Hope came down with a cough at the Springfield Horse Fair. (have included some pictures of that here). She was given a week of penicilliam and a antibiotic for respiratory. She was doing fine. Wednesday I noticed her cough was back and she was off feed. I started her antibiotic again, but Saturday she was not better and coughing more so back to the Clinic we went. Chest Xray revealed pneumonia - lungs are very full of fluid - and prognosis is not good. It took six of us to hold that little stinker to do a trachial wash; the vet is taking that to the U of I today (Saturday) for culture; meanwhile, Little Hope is at the Clinic in one of the big dog kennels - in a controlled climate area free from dust, etc.,; she is being given lasix (sp) and Nexal for now and will stay there the weekend where they can monitor her better than I can at home. The staff are all crazy about her and were volunteering to come in and care for her over the weekend. Dr. Dugger was hopeful for her but Dr. Lott was not. Hopeful, since it came on so quickly it does not have a good hold and it can be beaten. Please Pray. I have had her less time, but I think I will miss her more than my beloved Tex.