Prayers Needed

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Let me start be saying It is so tragic and I am so terribly sorry you and those poor horses have gone thru this. Unfortunately its that time of year. Someone in our county lost a pony last week to a bear. I hope the babies went quickly and didn't suffer.

I had a Paint we took in she was a full size horse, but a barrel racer. We got her because she was hung up in barbed wire overnight and the people thought she could never run again and didn't want to do the rehab and wraps etc. This was a year ago,and she is about 98% and can run 1D's with the best of them. Don't give up your lil guy may surprise you. Once her tendon was stitched back into place we did wraps for 2 weeks. Then switched over to Underwood! Underwood was my godsend. She was a very HOT horse and the wraps were off 5X a day.Here she was with the injury

Here she is now

Goodluck getting thru it and if I can help please email me. goodluck

IGNORE THE DATE ON THE 2nd photo it was almost a year later/
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Prayers for quick healing for your gelding and all the horses who must have been so terrified and strength for you as you take care of your boy. Thank goodness your neighbors got the bear. We also live in potential bear country and I worry even though mine are put in every night that we will have a problem one of these days. Coyottes are our biggest fear at the moment. We have been lucky but other neighbors have not been so lucky so ours are inside every night. This time of year seems to be the worst bear are waking up and food is scarce.
I'm so, so sorry. I can't even imagine.....hugs and prayers to you.
My sympathies for your losses. Here's hoping your boy recovers well.

You may want your vet to check into the Belumedex wound healing products, if he can still get them.
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I cannot even imagine that horror! I am so sorry for your loss'.

I hope your horses heal up just fine, and am sure they will.

No words can express how sorry I am for what you are going throught right now. My heart breaks for you. I will be keeping your boy in my prayers for a speedy and full recovery. I will also be keeping you in my prayers and you grieve for the loss of your little ones.

Please take care.

What a horrible experience, I hope your boy maks a good recovery. We have bears around here and although my husband complains about the extra work all our minis stay in at night all year round for just that reason.
I'm in tears. I'm sooo deeply sorry. It's the worst nightmare.

I hope, that you can save the other one.

I hardly find any words to express my feelings for what had happened to you and your babies.

Jesus. All I could think as my jaw dropped and the tears welled was "Jesus."

God, I'm so sorry. You must feel so overwhelmed right now I can't imagine. My prayers are with you.


Alice, if you and Frankie need anything call me. I am so sorry this happened. Yes a tendon can heal, we actually had to have a deep flexor cut on one of the geldings and he came back 100% sound. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Linda B PS Fred says Hi too.

Our prayers go out to you and your babies! We have black bears here too! So Sad! :no:

Tears came to my eyes as I read your post this morning. How horrible that you lost two and have a injured third. What you went thru I wouldn't wish on anyone and I do feel so very sorry for you. I'g glad your neighbors are rallying around and that the bear is dead. Please keep us posted as you feel like writing.

Joyce L
I are so sorry for your loss and for the injured horse!! I will all pray for a speedy recovery and that a bear never ever comes your way again!!
what an absolute nightmare!

i think it is so touching, though, that you are concerned about the cubs. You have a good heart, I hope and prey the rest of your horses come through OK. I'm just so horrified that you have had to go through this.
:no: I am so sorry for you loss.

I hope you others will be fine.

Keep us posted.

You are in our prayers
. He had a really bad reaction to the rompom(sp) the vet gave him to lay him down to stitch him up. I have never seen such a thing in my life. It went straight to his brain which caused him to have a seizure. He was up one min the next second he went stiff, fell over and started seizing. It about scared the life out of me. I had never seen a horse do that before, and i have seen some pretty messed up stuff.

Have any of you ever experienced this before??? Or do I just have all the luck?


I experienced the exact same thing with a mare of mine; the vet gave her Rompun to sedate her (for floating her teeth) and she reared up, came down and began seizing. He immediately restrained her and then I took over so he could give her an antidote. I thought I was going to lose my mare, it was scary. She was fine after a few hours though.

So sorry you had to experience that on top of everything else, yikes.
:new_shocked: OMG...I am soooo very sorry! Words cannot describe how I am feeling for you. I am so saddened by what has happened to your babies and what you had to witness. (((((HUGS)))))

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