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OMG, I am so sorry for what has happened to you and your horses. We live in a area with alot of wildlife too, and I am always so afraid of attacks. (((hugs)))) to you. Corinne
OMG I´m so sorry, hope your gelding will pull true.

All the other horses are found and save now?

Poor things they must have been so scared...
First of all I am very sorry for the tragedy you have experienced. That would have been awful.

The "reaction" you describe to the Rompun was an intracarotid injection. It means the drug went into the artery (and straight to the brain) instead of the vein (so that it would go through the heart, rest of the body and be diluted when it gets to the brain). I am told that any vet who gives enough IV injections will eventually do this as it is easy to do based on the anatomy (the artery lies directly beneath the vein and the depth varies tremendously from horse to horse). This is why lay people should not take IV injecting lightly. It is a skill. I have seen 1 intracarotid injection so far. It is terrifying, emotional and makes you feel helpless because there isn't anything you can do except wait it out and hope they survive. The ones I've heared of with Rompun have survived but some other durgs are much less forgiving.

As for the tendon injury I have had good experiences with severed extensor tendons (front of the leg). Providing you keep the leg wrapped for support and keep the horse on stall rest long enough the tendon will scar down and the leg can be quite functional. The last one I did is back in work and on his way to a career as a performance horse. Keep your spirits up, he's got a chance to show again.

Best of luck.
What a horrible heartbreaking story - no words can comfort you though. Bless you & hopefully your horse will pull through & be ok.
Thank you Dream. I made a mini standing bandage for support. Cut and restitched my big horses cottons its really cute. And it worked. I am so glad to hear that taken proper care of it he may be able to perform again. That music to my ears.

The vet felt really bad for the intracarotid injection. I had never heard this man cus before until yesterday when that happened. It scared the you know what out of me. :new_shocked:

That was an experience that I hope never to see again or anyone else has to go through. Still gives me goosebumps thinking about it.

Thanks again. Its a long road ahead.

So very sorry for your horrible losses. Hope your boys leg heals ok.
[SIZE=12pt]I am so so sorry. That just breaks my heart :no: My prayers are with you and your boy.[/SIZE]


This is terrible. I am horrified for you. I cant imagine going through that. I pray that things get better soon. :no: again I am so sorry.
I just saw this post, I am so, so sorry. What a tragedy. I'm glad your neighbors were there for you and that one of them got the bear. He was just being a hungry springtime bear, but he had to be stopped and stopped permanently. I would have done the same thing. I just can't tell you how sorry I am....

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