I am so sorry to hear this news. Your daughter is very responsible and she really is doing the right thing for her horses. You should be a very proud mom to have one that knows what it means to love horses. Of course I will pray for a complete change of course on his prognosis. Jodi has worked so hard and made the right choices. She definately deserves a better outcome.
As far as the pain of loosing a horse... Time will help her. The worst is the not knowing the outcome and having to make this tough choice. It comes as a major shock when this sudden and well, it hits hard. But she will make it through this time with your love and support. Let her know that her boy will not be totally gone from her life if she looses him. He would leave behind the gift of knowledge that they both aquired while being partners, and fond memories, and he will always be just a thought away. Also, if she makes that decision, let her know that her boy will pass knowing the full love that she gives him and that is more than many horses know. At least she knows that he passed being treated like a king and loved from the bottom of her heart. Being so loved is the biggest wish of any horse really.
And finally....
Give her many hugs from the forum members and let her know that so many on this forum understand what she is going through and many like myself have lost their "babies" on occasion, some really recently, and share in her greif. Let her know that the forum members have her and Kris in our thoughts and prayers as well as you mom... It has to be tough to know that your daughter is hurting so much.
Share with her this poem.... I know that many understand it well, and I think she will understand also.
I'll Lend You for a While
"I'll lend you, for a while, a horse of mine," God said.
"For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he is dead.
It may be six or seven years, or maybe twenty-three,
But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and shall his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay, as all from Earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this horse to learn.
I've looked the whole world over in my search for teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love–-not think this labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call, to take him back again?"
I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, thy will be done.
For all the joy this horse shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shower him with tenderness and love while we may,
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.
And should the angels call for him much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand."