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I'm really late reading about your big boy but wanted to add my best wishes for you both. Hind sight can be a painful thing to have to live with if we let it. Hope to hear a good update on his condition today.
Hey Leia,

Sorry, I just got to read your post today, so sorry to hear about Spyderman........... and I know the weather we are having up here is just making it more

stressful for you right now. Please know my thoughts are with you at this time.

Make a mush of complete pellets and warm water. Take a wormer tube the big kind and cut the tip off and take a hot nail and burn the hole bigger (not too big) . You can suck up the mush and feed him that way. I did this with my 36 year old mare 2-3 times per day, I fed her as much as she usually ate. She finally started eating the mush on her own.
Update us when you can....?

I left a msg on your cell, but understand that you are busy and stressed.

My thoughts are with you both continuously.

Amy let me know you all were worrying so here I am. I haven't updated because I still don't know which way this is going and didn't want to say one thing only to have to turn around and take it back.
I haven't been home since a brief trip Saturday night (you wouldn't BELIEVE the weather up here!) but my parents are sending me text messages and telling me Spyder is eating. He's still not enthusiastic about it or eating very much, but apparently he's eating. When I saw him on Saturday that aura of peace and acceptance was gone and all he could do was glare at me so for all I know he wanted to die and I thwarted him and now he's mad at me. I have no clue what's going on.

I'll update you again after I've been home. Assuming I don't get stuck in a ditch somewhere, that should be late tonight. He's still alive for now, the question is does he want to be?


P.S.- I did get your voicemail Liz and it meant a lot to me, as did the text messages from other friends. (You know who you are.) To be honest I didn't have time to call you until that evening and then I forgot! Mea culpa
Any chance it was a new bag of senior or beet pulp? My old riding mare was very unhappy with her senior at one point, it had way more molasses on it than it usually did. She likes things to be "just so".

Also, I apologize, I know nothing about your big boy. . . does he choke on water or something? I was just wondering why he only gets water through food. Please don't get angry, it's obvious that you take very good care of your horses from your posts, I was just honestly curious.

I've had to help 3 oldies pass on and each time it was a little different, and it was a rough, rough choice, so I really do know where you are coming from.
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I am glad he's doing better, and hope this was only one of those little glitches all horses seem to get now and then, but our oldsters seem especially prone to (worrying us terribly).

Keep us posted when you can, and I will assume the best.

I'm so sorry to hear about your problems with Spyderman. I'm sending prayers and best wishes to you both. I know it is very hard to be in this position and we never want to see them pass. Tho I agree with the other person who posted that maybe it just isn't his time as you agreed to wait and now he is eating. Maybe he just had a little virus or something else was bothering him. You will really know when it's time and you won't be dissuaded.
Leia, having just been through this with my 30 yr old girl a month ago, I very much sympathize with you. I hope he turns around and gives you years more companionship but I also know, as you do, the reality of our relationship with older horses/pets. Don't beat yourself up over your decision, what's meant to be will be.

Sorry guys, I've been trying to post an update for two days and the computer keeps eating it! :arg! Spyder is doing better and taking four small meals a day but still not consuming as much in 24 hours as he normally does in one meal. I don't know if it's the addition of some of Kody's tasty grain to tempt his appetite, my mom's tender loving care while I was gone, or he simply "got better" but he started eating Saturday. He still wasn't himself when I got home Monday night but Tuesday morning he finally nickered at me and really wanted his food. We still have to hold it for him and stay with him in order to get him to clean it up but he's eating and his gut seems to have fired up again okay after all that time empty. We'll see how he does and if he makes a full recovery or continues to require coaxing after the freeze breaks (someday).

Reijel's Mom said:
Also, I apologize, I know nothing about your big boy. . . does he choke on water or something? I was just wondering why he only gets water through food. Please don't get angry, it's obvious that you take very good care of your horses from your posts, I was just honestly curious.
No no, no offense taken! It's an obvious question.
He has no teeth left so he can't eat hay anymore and lives on a mix of senior feed, beet pulp and hay pellets. Shortly after moving to that diet he choked twice in a week and both times the vet was surprised to see that it was the senior feed itself he was choking on, not a wad of hay. We were instructed to mix a LOT of water into his mush so it would slide down his throat easily and ever since we started doing that he's stopped taking drinks from his tub almost entirely. We figure he gets so much moisture from the food he simply doesn't feel thirsty!

Mom got him to eat by using MUCH less water than I do in the feed and I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't compound things by choking. Meanwhile, he's gone back to taking nice long regular drinks out of the water trough so that's sort of reassuring to see. At least I know he's thirsty!

Leia, I'm glad you hear your boy is doing better. That's a good Christmas present. I pray for him to contiue to heal and get better. TJ

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