Prayors quick! My brother

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
I cant make this long bc were getting ready to head out to the hospital but i just need to ask for prayors.

We got a call about a half hour ago from my other brother, John. He said that Bill (my other brother) was in his semi somewhere around mansfield and his heart started racing and he was having trouble breathing and sitting up straight. He pulled his truck over a few minutes before that bc he was filling like he was going to fall over and was getting light headed. He opened the truck door and stumbled out and sad down and some people stopped and called 9-1-1 for him. John called while i was in the shower so i just found out. John came over and picked dad up and there heading to mansfield to the hospital. The family called John through bill's cell phone and then john called us. We dont know how hospital they took him to but its in mansfield. John and Dad are going to try to find it.

Me and mom are getting ready to go to mansfield. She's calling a few hospitals right now to see if there are any there that they could have taken him to. I dont know my way around mansfield and neither does mom. She would have went with john and my dad but i was in the shower.

Please PLEASE just pray. This really has not been our week and i feel bad asking for prayors yet agian. He's 39yrs old and works out regularaly and we have no idea what is going on. I dont want to loose my brother after everything that has happened here at the forum, not him! Okay i have to go, i'm just getting histarical now but PLEASE pray for him.

He had tanner in the truck with him and were hoping they got him at the hospital with him. I have to go, i will try to update tonight if we make it back. I hope its nothing bad, i cant even begin to think about that :no:
Of course you have my prayers. May God watch over you all at this time and may your brother recover in no time at all.... And I will also thank God that someone had the presence of mind to stop and help your brother and to call your family by looking at his cell phone! Sounds like God is watching out for you all. Hang in there!
Prayers on the way........and keep us posted when you get home.

Prayers going out! Calm down.....don't want you getting in an accident! "racing" hearts can be from a variety of reasons and most are easily fixable. I'm praying his problem falls in the "easy fix" category.
Oh my gosh! I hope he's ok, please keep us updated! I'm praying!
Good thoughts and prayers going out to your brother. What a scarey situation. I hope he is ok.
I just got back from this hospital.

Took us forever to find the hospital that he was at but after a few phone calls we got ahold of them. He didnt have a heart attack, thanks god. When we got there Lori (his wife-to-be in 3 months), dad and john were all there. Tanner was in the daycare room they had there, we brought him home with us.

Bill's doing fine. He can talk but it seems like it takes allot out of him. Doctors are doing tests on him and are going to keep him overnight and may release him tommarow night after they know for sure when happened. Bill said that he felt that once before back around christmas but it wasnt anywhere near as strong as it was this time. The doctors think it is something that he got from my mom who when she was in her late 20's she would have really strong panic attacks and had to be on meds to keep her calm. Doctors are talking about starting him on some drug for his stress. He said that this time he felt something happen in his chest though, doctors are looking into that.

Bill is always stressing and running around. I never see him take a break :no:. Him and John run a trucking company by them selves and they have to watch over about 15 guys lately. A few days ago one of there drivers got rear ended in the semi in PA and they've both been running around non stop since.

Doctors said they want to watch his blood pressure and heart tonight. Mom and Lori are staying in mansfield tonight at a hotel since they have to bring him home tommarow. Dad had to get the trailer to whirlpool since it was supose to be there at noon today so he's on his way to Virginia. I'm going to watch Tanner who keeps asking how daddy is doing. I'll prob take him out for icecream tonight and get a movie.

Bill said the reason he climbed out of the truck when he pulled over was bc if something happened to him he didnt want it to happen infront of Tanner, scared me to death hearing that.

I'm supose to call tonight and get an update on how he's doing.

Thanks for all the good thoughts, i was terrified this morning
My boyfriend (commonlaw husband I guess after 10 years LOL), had the same thing happen to him. He is a workaholic too. He works 7 days a week and worries about everything. At the time it happened his asthma had been bothering him. He is the type that won't go to the Dr or hospital for any reason. He turned green and couldn't breath with chest pains. We took him to the hospital, the doctors acted like he was a hypocondriac (SP?). They told him that it was a pulled muscle agrivated by his asthma. He had a flare up while in the ER, but it took 15 minutes to get someone to come into the room and it had stopped by then. He has not had an incident since then, but it really scared him. I hope your brother is OK and I will be thinking of you and your family.
Even though you have had some good news about his condition; I'll keep him in my prayers until you no longer need them.
Keeping your brother and your family in my prayers. Please keep us posted...

Take care...
Adding my thougths to the mix...hope he is just fine and easily managed w/this condition no matter what it is.

Relaxation is a difficult endeavor.

Aw kiddo, you're having a heck of a time. Prayers for you and your family (and your critters too). Hang in there.

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