I have a maiden mare thats in foal. I have been trying to get her used to getting her udder touched/handled in preperation for her foal. Everytime I try she kicks out. Normally shes a quiet mare that you can do anything to, not a hint of nastiness. I thought id start trying now even though shes only half way through her pregnancy as I heard its harder later if she gets a bag its more sensitive.
I would like to know the best technique to get her used to it. I dont want to upset or stress her to much about it but id like to get her used to it aswell.
How much of a roll does nature take in this bearing in mind she is a maiden and it will all be new to her. What happens if me handling her udder is something I cant get her to accept will I have trouble with he letting the foal nurse?
Any advice will be great
I would like to know the best technique to get her used to it. I dont want to upset or stress her to much about it but id like to get her used to it aswell.
How much of a roll does nature take in this bearing in mind she is a maiden and it will all be new to her. What happens if me handling her udder is something I cant get her to accept will I have trouble with he letting the foal nurse?
Any advice will be great