Do you think that the mood of a mare or her behaviors indicate if she is having a filly or colt? I've heard people say they knew it was a boy or girl based on certain things. Are there old wives tales talking about this at all?
When are they due?I did the nail test on them both tonight, and it says both are having fillies. I sure hope so.
I'm hoping it's rightSupposedly if you tie a nail to your horse's tail hair, and dangle it over their belly it will tell you if they are having a boy or girl. I think people used to do the same thing with their wedding rings. If it hangs still the mare is not pregnant. If it spins in a circle it's a girl. If it swings side to side it's a boy. I've done it twice before and both times it said she was not pregnant and we had a colt. I'm hoping since it's something different this time it might really be a filly. It's really probably just a silly way to guess but it's worth a shot.