Pregnant or not?

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No 'shrinking' but it looks like baby has moved a bit, and is now putting a great deal of pressure in her butt. I would expect her to be doing some butt pushing on walls or fence posts and rolling to move that little one around. Looking good!
No changes today, only the udder that seems to be smaller. The vulva color is the same with some little veins showing. Still waiting!
My horse is driving me crazy!!! Today udder small ( ok I know it doesn't mean anything) her vulva returned pale pink e seems to be less elongated!
Looks as if baby is moving into position. Definitely looks "forward of center" but still laying a bit broadside. She can correct that with some rolling, so watch for that.

She's looking just beautiful!!
Thank you all! Yesterday evening she did some rolling and she was scratching her butt over the fence. She is doing it a lot in these two last days. Hope it's not worms ( I gave her a de-wormer in April ).
Yup, that pressure is annoying for them. I've had a mare almost push a fence post completely over doing her butt pushing.

Those are all good signs!!

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