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Active Member
Jan 20, 2024
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Long post incoming!!!
It's that time of year again!
If you remember seeing my questions back in 2022 you should remember Pearl (Ondine Black Pearl)😁 We had gotten her from Miniture Ventures and with a possible breeding. But no one knew when she was bred and if she actually was. Luckily enough for us she was bred and produced a nice filly out of Bristol El Dorado.
This year we have a definite pregnancy on Pearl. She is just about 7 months along now. She has been very mellow this year. In 2022 when she had her first foal with us she was a nut lol
In early 2023 we picked up another mare out of Washington. Tilly (Wa-Full Unique Matilta) is a one eyed firecracker! We got her shortly before taking her up to the stud. Both Tilly and Pearl were bred to Grahams The Gambler.
And with the breeding year to start complications are always waiting.
We get Tilly back from the stud with Pearl and get Tilly preg tested as she did not get done at the breeders like Pearl. She left the vets scratching their heads AGAIN. Before we had gotten her she had a foal on her previous property. We were told when she had the foal she checked not in foal by the vets. She seemed very much not in foal that whole pregnancy and the poof she drops a baby! And this isn't the first time she was bred either, So she's not doing the new mama hiding lol.
We had our vets check her and the first vet said they thought they saw something so she had to get another vet for a second opinion. The second vet said no she is not in foal.
We are full on expecting Tilly to not be in foal. But with how she has had her last foal and who knows if she did the same with her first I'm wondering if she won't actually drop a baby for us. She would be just about 6 months along.
Pearl definitely has that baby belly going and Tilly is questionable. She is definitely a bit chubby.
I will drop some photos of the girls!
I'd like to know your thoughts on if Tilly looks prego to you or just chubby!
Don't mind their winter fuzziness! They honestly look ridiculous right now 😂
Pearl is the black mare, Tilly is the silver bay.
I'd like to also put in here that I did goof around and do the silly little nail test. For what I've read. If the nail stays still the mare is not pregnant. If it swings back and forward it is a colt, if it swings in a circle it's a filly.
It said Tilly is to have a Filly and Pearl is to have a Colt.
I wouldn't know how much to trust this silly little tale as we are just getting into the breeding and I have only been able to do this trick one other time. In 2022 I did this little test on Pearl and it said she was having a filly. And sure enough she had a beautiful little filly!
What is your thoughts on the nail test?
The winter fuzzies are always cute! I love Tilly's coloring.
As for the nail test I've never tried it. Dying to have a mini foal of my own one day!
Good luck with your two girls!
I did the nail test on my mare last year. several times. It always said she was not pregnant. Between that, her not having much of a belly, and that she went almost a full year pregnant, I spent a lot of time doubting my vet. 🤣 Fortunately her colt was quite a kicker, so I wasn't surprised when he popped out.
Both your girls are beautiful. Tilly looks a lot like my Hershey, who I lost last year. Looking forward to updates on their progress.

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