Did anybody bother to go check the judges' splits on the classes? It was off the charts in terms of polar opposites in quite a few of the classes. And when this happens, sometimes horses that aren't even 1st or 2nd on ANY card could end up winning the class!!!
I realize that judges are hired to place horses according to their opinion on what they are seeing at the time they view the horse. But the present system almost guarantees that some horses that are way down on one or two of the cards end up with high placings. And visa versa.
There were cases where horses were placed 1st, 2nd and not at all by the 3rd judge.....and depending on who the 'call' judge is - the horse might end up 5th, 6th or 7th!! HELLO?!? Does anyone else see the lunacy
of such a system?
I don't know what some of the other large organizations do when they use multiple judges to come up with a single placing. Frankly, I for the life of me cannot fathom why we even have multiple judges to come up with a single placing!!! I come from the registered Holstein background where you have a single judge...and a single placing. Even at prestigious National shows! Don't like the judge chosen for that particular year?? Vote with your feet and don't attend. Makes MUCH more sense to me.
OK - fire away!!
I realize that judges are hired to place horses according to their opinion on what they are seeing at the time they view the horse. But the present system almost guarantees that some horses that are way down on one or two of the cards end up with high placings. And visa versa.
There were cases where horses were placed 1st, 2nd and not at all by the 3rd judge.....and depending on who the 'call' judge is - the horse might end up 5th, 6th or 7th!! HELLO?!? Does anyone else see the lunacy
I don't know what some of the other large organizations do when they use multiple judges to come up with a single placing. Frankly, I for the life of me cannot fathom why we even have multiple judges to come up with a single placing!!! I come from the registered Holstein background where you have a single judge...and a single placing. Even at prestigious National shows! Don't like the judge chosen for that particular year?? Vote with your feet and don't attend. Makes MUCH more sense to me.
OK - fire away!!