Well-Known Member

It was many, many of you who helped to get her here! When I yelled for help, many, many responded, even more pm'd, emailed, called and even came over to help this little girl to have the best of chances. Not so sure the result would have been the same without all of the help I was given.
I have learned so much from Prints, all she has been through and from you.
Prints is doing just GREAT!

She runs the place and has since week 2, week 3 she became my youngest boss mare! Anything within her reach, is hers! If you lose something, she WILL find it. Just don't walk without looking first, because I promise she is right behind you! And whatever you do, do not attempt to pet another horse BEFORE she has gotten her attention first!
From Prints and I, thanks for all your help and getting her to this 6 week mark.