As an overseas buyer I know who nervous one can get over quarantine. You search a long time for that horses. Once you have found and you come to an agreement with the breeder you are already madly in love with that tiny horses you mostly have never seen in real. It comes all down to trust. And the one person you should trust the most is your quarantine station. We always use the station of Marion Maschke, Oasis. And i have to say, yes there are very good quarantine stations. Mrs Maschke always took very good care of our horses. With her German precision she does exactly what you want, providing a good and save house for a month. Preparing the horses for a long travel. Our horses were never exhousted. The come out relaxed because they are well taken care of and in comfortable crates. It's is a good thing that we trust her so much with our horses that if she would ever advise me to not make a particular horse fligh i would imidiatly go with her advise. To be honest, if we had to buy a horses and it good not go to a quarantine like marion's the purchase would be off. We like to have a lot of pictures from the horses when they are in quarantine. And it is always great when we receive them. Maybe it wood be good to mention the name of realy bad stations, that way they will put them selves out of busines.