Quarter Method for Showmanship

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2014
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WSS, West Virginia
Hi, I plan on showing in showmanship this year, and I was going to use the "Quarter Method" for when my horse is being evaluated. But it is confusing me and how to do it properly. Can you guys help me? Posting pictures and videos would be great. Thank You
Which shows will you be attending? AMHA?

AMHR? AMHR uses the half system so using quarters there would knock you down.
You need to look at the rules for where you are showing but essentially you draw a visual line down their back ( head to tail) ....and if using the quarter type showing another line thru their middle or shoulder. You stay to the front Side of the horse's head but opposite side from the judge moving when the judge steps over those invisible lines you drew. Move only after they actually step over the line because a judge will sometime hesitate before crossing the line just to see if you'll goof and move too soon.
Is it about time for ASPC and AMHR to join the rest of the world and go to the quarter system? I have thought about writing a rule change proposal for several years now. Yes, it is OUR club and we need to do what is best for us. There is also something to be said about our club looking "up with the times." Are there other registries out there that still use the half system? I can't see a reason for not updating. I may be missing something. I have seen youth from ASPC look a bit outdated when they cross over to other venues and are not prepared for the quarter pattern. I also have seen my young 4-H family members try to do show showmanship in ASPR/AMHR and be a bit confused. The older competing youth should be able to handle both patterns, but it seems to be difficult for some of the younger youth. Why not give the little ones the advantage of being prepared "for the outside" and make ASPC/AMHR look like we have current and competitive youth competing in our our association.

WE came from the stock horse world, maybe the Morgans, Hackneys, and Arabians use the half system?
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I personally would vote against a proposal to change from 1/2 to the 1/4 system. In my opinion the 1/2 system is a much smoother presentation. I have never liked the 1/4 system. To me, exhibitors look much too "busy" when the 1/4 system is used.
You could be very right Minmor :) It just seems that most have moved the other way. But we sure don't NEED to be like the rest :)
Still thinking about this Minimor, even if we have a personal preference do we still want to think about what is going on outside our club. It will be interesting to see if others have an opinions or care. :)

Any judges out there that can help us with insight?
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Quite frankly I have never heard anyone outside the registry put "us" down for the fact that our showmanship rules are different from rules in other breeds. Considering that Minis are still measured at the last mane hair, rather than at the top of the withers like every other breed of horse, I don't think we need be concerned about a different showmanship rule causing a lack of respect from people in other breeds. :D I see no reason at all why we must conform to the rules of any other organization--we are not sheep that must follow someone else's lead.
My attention to this issue is because we tend to crossover to 4-H, pinto etc. I don't see where that is anything but good to promote ASPC/AMHR. But maybe my concern is not relevant to our club.​
I can see where this can be confusing to our Youth (especially those 12 and under) who show ASPC/AMHR and in 4-H. At least around here, the 4-H use the quarter method. So they have to switch back and forth if they are showing 4-H and miniature. When I was in 4-H , like about 40 years ago (hate to date myself) we used the quarter method, so it's not something new.
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Here in that same time frame (1976-1985) 4-H

And the open show used the halves; not sure when but it did change later. I wasn't showing showmanship any more by then. I excelled in it when I showed as a youth--I rarely got anything lower than 1st--but now it is too fussy for me to bother with. LOL. I don't bother with adult showmanship even in ASPC.
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Minimor; I was in 4-H from '69 to about '72. Maybe we did do halves then. Maybe the quarters came later, since when I got my husband into the ponies (Welsh to start), I still did open or adult showmanship and it was quarters then I remember. I don't do showmanship anymore either. I think I got 'burned out'. I did very well through 4-H and after, many 1st's and a few championships. But like you say, it just seems like too much fuss anymore. I like to help the kids out with it though!
My interest in this only relates to the youth.........showmanship is NOT for me!
I think the chicken dance should be outlawed. Seriously talk about distracting! (ducking now)
I also come from the stock horses, and my reason for wanting to use the quarter method for showing is partially because it is what I am used to, but mostly due to the whole reason it was put into use to begin with...

Quite simply, it's a safety issue.

The reason for stepping back to the same side of the horse the judge is on once he/she is toward the rear of the horse, is so that in the event the horse offers to kick, go backwards, or become otherwise fractious, the handler can more easily move the horse in a direction away from the judge if he/she is on the same side of the horse the judge is.

Anyone who knows how properly to use the quarter method for showing does it in a manner that is not distracting, just like any other show maneuver.
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Thank you oakrunfarm..........................
I did not know the reason for the quarter method. I just thought going there to keep it consistent with the other breeds would be helpful. Mostly for the youth.
When I started showing minis I thought the same thing - why don't they use the quarter system? I learned halves in 4-H and showing arabians, then the change to quarters took place about the time I was done in youth and started showing open and judging. Personally, I prefer the quarter system with big horses and halves with minis. While safety may have been an initial reason for the quarter system, just as much of the reason was that to show halves with a big horse you had to go through all kinds of contortions to be able to see the judge at all times as he inspected the horse while maintaining a position where you didn't block the judges view of the horse. It was a horrible way to show.

With the large horses, the quarter system allows handler to see both horse and judge at all times, and still be in a position of control of the horse, and not block the judge's view of the horse. The horse is larger, the judge takes longer to inspect, and the movements then don't seem "continuous" - unless you have a REALLY fast moving judge. However, when I watch minis doing the quarter system, the handler inevitably ends up in almost constant motion, unless the judge consciously slows down their inspection. The minis don't have to do quarters to be able to see the horse and judge at the same time, and maintain a position of control while staying out of the judge's line of sight. They can see over their horse, so being opposite the judge when he's in back of the horse is not an issue.

The safety aspect may have been an aspect originally, but that was also when showmanship was really presented as a class that was meant to be "how well you can show a halter horse". In most breeds, showmanship is now a class of it's own, that showcases the partnership of horse / handler on the ground, and is only remotely linked to ability to show a horse in open halter. The exceptions to that seem to be generally the pleasure type breeds, who present their showmanship classes much more similarly to the halter classes. So I'm not sure the safety aspect has a place in the class as much anymore. The horses are not shown as "hot" halter horses, where it's more likely they will have an issue that the handler needs to deal with in moving them away from the judge.

Just my opinion. I and the youth that show my horses both know both ways. In 4-H the youth show quarter system. In open shows, if we have a judge who I know also judges AMHR, I have them show halves. If not, then they show quarters. Generally, it's not a problem.
That is a good point Flying Minis. The size of the horse would make a difference. I'm starting to change my mind about the idea of a
rule change. This has been something I have thought about for years. Now I don't have to think about it anymore......................
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