Question about blue eyes?

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The picture icon doesn't work on my computer, must be a glitch with my computer (iMac) or with the Mac version of Internet Explorer. Did you try clicking the link and then when it comes up as not having permission, highlighting the URL and then pressing enter and it still didn't work?
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Blue eyes are attached to Splash and Frame, they are not attached to Sabino.

There is no test for Splash or Sabino so this is not provable by testing at the moment but is generally held to be fact.

There is a theory that there is also an unattached to Pinto, blue eyes on their own, gene, but I do not place any credence on it.

In the case of most European horses there is only Splash present that will give blue eyes.

We do not call this Overo

Hope this posts the way it should. I was on the UC Davis site the other day and remembered I saw this.

I think this is fairly new, but, it identifies one sabino type.
Ok, here is my blue eyed girl, Blue. She is a great-granddaughter of Rowdy, granddaughter of Lazy N Redboy, daughter of Cross Country Rowdys Reflection.

Do I test her for LWO? Or is there a possibility she just carries splash?


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I would definitely test that mare for LWO- she is classic minimal- no leg white, blaze and blue eyes.

Yes, test her!!!

Pretty mare- I am not a lover of blue eyes- they are not valued here at all- but I do think they look OK in a face like that!!!
My 2005 AMHR colt, Hi-lands Lil Harvey Mac is a solid bay with star and he has one blue eye and one brown eye. My grey appaloosa filly, Shauneys Halluva Lucky Gal has 2 blue eyes. Also my stallions' first foal a pinto colt had one blue eye and one brown eye. So yes a solid colour mini can have a blue eye. I know as I have one.
But Shana the whole point is they are not solid- the star is enough- you have a Splash or a Frame there.

With Appies it is difficult to see the white.

BUT having said that I did have a solid black mare- NO white- who was Splash as well (from her sire) but no indication of this except her bright blue eyes- which looked most strange (to me)

Blue eyes can, it is believed, arise spontaneously BUT they are generally held to be the most minimal expression of Splash
I was planning to have my snowcap stallion tested for LWO because he has one blue eye, and a big blaze, but what do you think, could he possibly carry splash?
I would go ahead and test for LWO if it were me and if he tested negative, Splash would be my next bet.

I really wish there were a test for all these patterns. I know they are working on Sabino. Does anyone know if they are working on Splash or Silver?
There IS now a test for Silver!
: But no test for Splash...yet.

Rabbit is right in that a horse that "carries" Splash does not have to have blue eyes. Our first son from CockRobin was "Nickelodeon", who is a solid-looking Silver Dapple with just a tiny star, snip on nose & 1/2 white rear coronet.


He has BROWN eyes.
: But this boy has gone on to proove his Splash gene by throwing lots of blue-eyed foals...some wildly marked Splashes (LOTTO!) and some almost Solid looking with bright blue eyes!

His sire, "Hemlock Brooks CockRobin" carried the Splash gene, as well as Sabino & Tobiano. He threw lots of wildly marked Toveros, and some not so wildly marked (almost solid) with blue this guy.

"Kickapoo's Khemosabi" was solid jet black with no facial markings, but had 4 white stockings...and beautiful blue eyes.

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rabbitsfizz my 2005 colt's sire is a chestnut roan and dam is a silver dapple. Not that it matters what he is as he is on my sale page as I do not need 3 stallions and don't want another gelding, find one gelding is enough right now. He is such a sweet boy and probably would be worth it to hardship him AMHA when he is 5 as he is so nicely built. He also has a great temperment.
I have a filly from my appy mare (bred when I got her), no face white or socks, and an appy stallion (doesn't look like any pinto in him, varnish roan, but his sire is a pintaloosa) I got a filly with 4 socks and a star and white tail (hard to tell with flaxen tail but pink and black skin underneath). I had her tested for Tobiano and she is pos. heterzygous for tobiano. I sent the test results with her registration but AMHR refuses to put Pinto on her papers since there is no BODY white. So what you think is in the pedigree certainly could be wrong when the registries won't even put the factual info. we give them.


That last colt, with the face white, has almost enough on that face white enough to be classed as a full colored Paint. You say he is from all Appy breeding, but the mare having the blue eye, herself is a sign of more then appy breeding. Just because pedigrees show appy to appy for generations, when patterns are combined, somewhere, someone started saying Appy, when it could have been appy/pinto all along......
I have a filly from my appy mare (bred when I got her), no face white or socks, and an appy stallion (doesn't look like any pinto in him, varnish roan, but his sire is a pintaloosa) I got a filly with 4 socks and a star and white tail (hard to tell with flaxen tail but pink and black skin underneath). I had her tested for Tobiano and she is pos. heterzygous for tobiano. I sent the test results with her registration but AMHR refuses to put Pinto on her papers since there is no BODY white. So what you think is in the pedigree certainly could be wrong when the registries won't even put the factual info. we give them.


That last colt, with the face white, has almost enough on that face white enough to be classed as a full colored Paint. You say he is from all Appy breeding, but the mare having the blue eye, herself is a sign of more then appy breeding. Just because pedigrees show appy to appy for generations, when patterns are combined, somewhere, someone started saying Appy, when it could have been appy/pinto all along......
You are right in that all the Registries will accept is what the horse's phenotype is ( how the horse actually appears "visually") They don't care about what genes the horse may carry, as that doesn't help to visually identify the horse. Even tho your colt carries the Tobiano doesn't show enough white to be considered a Tobiano pinto. That is why they won't put it on the papers.

I can understand this, as you need to be able to identify a horse from their visual description. But it sure would be nice if the Registries would make a place on the papers to state what color the horse actually is genetically.

BTW....."Paint" is a full-sized horse breed. They have to be Quarter Horses or Quarter Horse/Crosses (I believe.) Spotted Miniatures technically can only be Pintos.
This is my Blue eye stallion. He is out of 2 brown eye solid parent's"I've seen them both". But he does have Orion 4 generations back. I didn't like blue eyes on horses until I saw this little stallion. He's an exeption. And I really like some of the blue eyes on here too.

Here's pix of my three fillies: all are by our Rowdy bred, LWO positive dun tovero stallion. The grulla filly is out of a solid black mare, the clipped filly is out of a solid chestnut mare with a thin star-strip-snip, and the last filly is out of a solid palomino mare. She actually has a few tiny white spots on her flanks and back.







This little bay mare has a half blue eye and hind coronet socks.


We also have two medicine hat fellas, the sire is a non LWO, so we assume his son is, too, as his dam is solid black. Both have blue eyes.

This is my Blue eye stallion. He is out of 2 brown eye solid parent's"I've seen them both". But he does have Orion 4 generations back. I didn't like blue eyes on horses until I saw this little stallion. He's an exeption. And I really like some of the blue eyes on here too.


Oh....but look at the facial white on that boy!
: Gorgeous blue eyes too!
: One of his parents HAD to be carrying pinto genes, and passed it to him. Lots of horses who are "thought" to be solid are actually carrying pinto genes. A tiny star or snip, or even as little as a small spot of pink skin where you wouldn't ordinarily notice (like on a genital) would indicate the pinto gene's presence.
: This boy is carrying either Splash or LWO.
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our Blue eyed pinto stud from two brown eyed parents. His sire is pinto and dam is bay.


Yep, Dona. My stallion's Dam has a small Star.
Different color of blue eyes.I would like to see the different shades of blue eyes. Our stud has one eye all blue and the other eye has a little brown with the blue.


I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT I THINK the horses on here are stunning im in love with Verns stallion, absolutley gorgeous
having blue eyes myself i am partial to them as well... we have one mare with a partial blue eye, opposite to the one pictured just above by MB horses, mostly brown with a blue patch at the bottom... our solid black pony with 2 blue eyes (father unknown but assuming paint/pinto...) and our bay spotted saddlebred mare with one blue eye, whose identical sister with 2 brown eyes sold for over $30,000 while this mare, because of her "glass" eye (which apparently the saddlebred people don't like when showing) was thrown away and ended up bought at auction by our friend, a bag of bones... white or light horses not being in my top ten, so to speak, i especially love our blue eyes in the dark faces...

Skeye the pony,named for her "sky eyes"


guess i never added the eye pics of the other two to photobucket
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