Question for those that know the rules

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2005
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The rules state hats, boots, long sleeves, gloves. For the youth has anyone had a youth show without gloves? Do the judges object, downgrade or disqualify them?

I ask since it's been impossible to find gloves small enough for my grandchildren. The 6 year old is particularly hard but even the 10 year old.....where do you find them?
Anymore the judges will stop anyone that doesn't have a hat or gloves before the class starts so they won't get DQ. So yes you need gloves.

You can try searching the mall or try the internet.
Don't know about R but in AMHA they can and probably will be DQ'ed. The judges may be more lenient on the younger ones but to be fair to all they may have to go by the rules. That said, they don't have to be show gloves, or even leather. Cloth gloves from Walmart work also.
Yes they will get DQ if they dont have them.
I think your best bet is to try online stores that sell English riding apparel. Here is one that I found, the gloves would be excellent quality:

Bevals Saddlery - childrens gloves

They are priced at $19.00. I'm sure they are leather and well made. I know both this store and the quality they carry. The gloves are SSG Kid's Pro Gloves if you want to do an internet search.

Good luck!
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Val's right. Try the English riding stores.I remember buying tiny black leather gloves for a three year old to wear. It has been years but i know i never had any trouble finding them.
Val's right. Try the English riding stores.I remember buying tiny black leather gloves for a three year old to wear. It has been years but i know i never had any trouble finding them.


Heck I had to find some for Kelsey when she was 18 months old and riding in a leadline class. It was a challenge finding all the clothes for her, but we got it done!
AMHA, AMHR and even 4-H require gloves for showmanship. If you can't find any at a tack store, and I have in the past, you can try any department store for kids gloves that one size fits all, they are ususally stretchy. The judge is not going to inspect them but they must have them.
If you get in a pinch, look in little girls dress up "princess" clothes and such, they usually have those elbow length type of gloves, that can be hemmed down. Those should be the right size. For the older girl, check places like davids bridal. When I was showing big horses, everyone wore them, no one wore leather gloves.
The big horse breeds have gotten away from gloves - I was surprised the last time my daughter did APHA showmanship, gloves were optional and almost no one was wearing them. But yes, for AMHA and AMHR they are required.

Someone told me a year or two ago about an AMHR show they'd been at; a youth was going into a showmanship class and didn't have gloves. That youth was stopped and told that gloves were required. People rushed to find gloves--and came up with a pair of plastic gloves! Gloves are gloves, and the youth was allowed into the class with the plastic gloves.
Thank you to everyone for the replies and PMs. I guess I never really watched the kids showmanship and since they are a "hard to find" item thought maybe they would over look that for the kids. I'll search for some - hopefully quick as they wanted to go to a show in 2 weeks.
YES gloves for sure. A few years ago my son started in a showmanship class with no gloves on. There were 3 or 4 others as well. The judge stopped them came over to the gate where all of us parents were gathered and read us the riot act for sending our kids in with no gloves. We had gloves in the trailer which was parked about a half a mile away from the arena. So people scrambled in their tack boxes that were around the arena. They came up with a "pair" of gloves for him. One was a regular glove, the other was a ladies elbow length driving glove. But hey all they said were they had to be gloves. Nothing about matching!!! Needless to say my son was peeling out of that long one as soon as he cleared the gate on the way out!!!!

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