OK, this may get a bit long, but I need serious help here. OK, first, about 4 years ago I bought a mareat a sale (ok no flames) and she looked to be and is registered as a solid bay with only a small bit of white on the coronet band. Well, when I got her home and clipped her, I noticed she had a few stray white hairs in her mane and one pink spot under her tail. Then I took closer note that she had striped hooves and her lips were slightly mottled. No mottling around the eyes though. I wondered at first if she could have some pinto in her background and wondered about appy too, but I thought there would be mottling under the tail or around the eyes and nose with appy breeding. Well, her pedigree did show some pinto a couple generations back and I wonder if her parents or grandparents could have been like her and been so extremely minimal that they were just registered as solids. OK, here comes the problem. I have a really nice foal from her this years that scared the H.E. double toothpicks out of me as I watched her come out of the sack. Even though I suspected pinto in the mare, she had given me two solid foals prior to this one...and then here came this foal with four white stockings a strip and snip and a few body spots. I thought the aliens had landed. SOOOO obviously I was right about the mare being minimal pinto. BUT, I was body clipping the foal today (and I clipped her earlier and this wasn't there then) I lift her tail and she's as speckeld as a jay bird around her bottom!!!!!! How many generations can the appy gene be expressed as a minimal trait before showing up again. I'm guessing the motting and striped hooves on the dam were actually minimal appy as well. If this is the case....anyone want a really pretty filly LOL. She is pretty, but I'm just not knowledgeable about color genetics and don't really care to produce a lot of color. I would dabble with pinto maybe, but if the appy gene is in there as well, I'm not a fan of the appy pattern (no offense to anyone as I'm glad everyone likes differnt things). Although I do have to say that some of the prettiest appy's I've seen have been minis. So please tell me, does mottling show up other than appy or does that pretty well mean she carries some appy genes. Thanks for any help you guys can offer. Oh and it won't do much good to tell me to check with the previous owner. He wasn't at the sale and only left R papers at the sale and when I called to find out more about her he got all huffy and didn't feel like she should have sold as cheap as she did and was quite rude. Not really my fault that he didn't come to represent her though. Alright, I'll shut up and quit typing now so someone can actually answer my question